... lunatic fringe, whacked-out democrats gone ape, anyone who drives a Tesla now constitutes open season, fair game, a rife political target: "Vandalism Is Not Free Speech!" Elon Musk Speaks Out After Rise In Tesla Protests, Defacements | ZeroHedge So happens, your best gal drives a Tesla? Might lend though, getting her to the local gun shop for firearms training, a carry permit. I recommend two coats of Mother's California gold. It's a lot of elbow grease. Really helps the graffiti to buff out, nicely - Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
My Brother lives behind the tinsel curtain - and it's easier to get political politeness than a CCP in SoCal. For SoCal? I'm actually happy with that, because anyone who would mention firearms as a solution to a minor property crime should probably be more 'properly regulated.' As far as the Donkeys 'eating their own?' We've seen THAT too. The End Of A Republican Party | FiveThirtyEight
As a driver of an old prius you should well know about prius hate. In fact your prius is the one most rw people understand is a prius and target. They started hating the gen2 quickly, tree hugging liberals want to save gas, gonna show them some hate.
... kindly forward this along if you please, a head's up to your Tesla friends. These are the peeps targeting you, singling you out for retribution, surreptitiously paying activists, to vandalize your EVs: Elon Musk Reveals The Big-Name Democratic Donors Funding Attacks on Tesla Stores | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew Our democrat friends, having themselves some good clean fun, hitting out, vandalizing Tesla EVs, and Tesla dealerships - Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile ps - ... fyi, good pal of mine from the local drivers' group, has already had his headlights kicked out, on both his, and his wife's Model Ys -
They will just blame Trump supporters claiming that it's a False flag operation..... They still think Biden is sharp and healthy (and honest ) and that Harris is authentic and deeply intelligent!!!!
Protests aren't attacks. Racoon puppets aren't weapons. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/growing-protests-target-tesla-showrooms-with-mariachi-bands-raccoon-puppets-and-cardboard-cybertrucks/ar-AA1A88mf Have any of these protests turned violent? I'm only finding reports of after hours vandalism. Which isn't good, but is a far cry from a group of protesters turning into an angry mob trying to lynch people.
... our democrat friends now going in, to Tesla dealerships, armed explosives: Transgender Activist Arrested for Allegedly Leaving Explosives at Tesla Dealership — Fox News Mocked for Referring to Him as a 'Woman' | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald We're getting to the point our policy community will have little choice but concede, it is long since time for formal declaration of the democrat political party as, a hate group: Anti-Musk Liberal Protesters Arrested for Mobbing Tesla Showroom in New York (VIDEOS) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald Now a cult, hive mentality afflicting the democrat political party, America hasn't seen anything like this, since the Peoples' Temple: https://img.libquotes.com/pic-quotes/v1/jim-jones-quote-lbp6t8t.jpg Remember, the reverend Jim Jones? Jim Jones - Wikipedia Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile