I’m a bit desperate so need some opinion on this, my 2010 Prius gen3 keep blowing headlight bulbs, I’ve changed for expensive Philips led ones but still doing it, I’ve heard about harness upgrade but not sure if is the case, any ideas? My first thought was over voltage but don’t know if is that common. thanks
You changed for the Phillips expensive halogen bulbs at the parts store generally the part store doesn't sell the Philips LEDs that retrofit to our age 4 or in your case h 8 and h11 I do not believe they may be doing that in your area I certainly don't hear all of my Prius to convert to full LEDs had to be ordered I believe in my generation threes it's h8 and h11 I use fanless aux beam s1 series no fans I'm pretty sure you bought the expensive bulbs at the parts store which are still halogens they're going to burn out faster than the halogens you had in the car originally when you get real LEDs the burning out problem will be over whether it's your harness or just the bulbs I don't know but in both my 2010 which should have had the bad wiring harness and my 2013 where I think the wiring harness should have been fixed by the factory production not sure when the LEDs were fitted to both of those generation threes all headlight problems were never they're still out in the car right now and I go out trying to headlights on there bright is all get out and work perfectly same with the 2013 so I don't think you have LEDs fitted or you have a serious electrical problem.
Your 2010 probably came with the eats_low_beams feature. See this post. I'd never heard of the feature eating LEDs though. I've always thought of LED retrofits as a neat way around it.
thanks apparently you are the only one who understood the fact that I’ve installed LED bulbs, which IMO should “sort” the eating halogen bulb issues… I’ll have a look in the wiring soon, any other suggestions would be appreciated
Update: checked the wire and found plug full of water, even with the seal looking ok, never realised before because probably dried out before I had the change to see it but yesterday was under heavy rain when the bulb failed.
No I understood what you were saying perfectly well usually the big box stores or wherever don't have that brand that fits our cars usually I guess maybe now they're carrying them and I told you the brand I use which is of no consequence The LEDs aren't burning out because their LEDs and we found why they're burning out maybe you could reorient the plug some kind of way so water has to flow out not in or something put some silicone grease around the connector the part you push in and then squeeze it together that might hold you never had this problem on the two gen three's We have here and we're in North Carolina and our climate change here is wet and rain it is absolutely ridiculous mold is growing on the cars from the wet