Source: Watching this video gave me the clues for a much better design. I'll continue the prototype as I need some operational experience to prove the concept. Bob Wilson
My dad had a great admiration for engineers. At his behest, I started engineering school at northeastern in 1972. Physics, chemistry, computer science, mathematics. Much to his dismay, I dropped out after the first semester.
I started a few years earlier, 1968, and got to my Junior year. But a low draft number, 39, and depression from a failed relationship led to the Marines 1971-75. Life has only gotten better ever since although there have been "lessons learned." Bob Wilson
... clown show, sinning on their science, Boeing and NASA engineers, sitting on their hands, talking it up, putting a man on planet Mars, astronauts hopelessly marooned, on the international space station? "... no worries, Sammy. Those tires are good for another two laps!" Anyone who's done serious business, turning a wheel in anger (e.g., competition driving), we all feel exactly the same way, a deep-seeded suspicion, of engineers, mechanics, technicians. De facto pimps, no gentle way of putting it, a bunch of sick-f*&ks, the least trustworthy of human beings in the milky way galaxy: engineers! Peculiar sense of humor, this one was a real knee slapper for the engineering fraternity: Boeing's finest: Enumclaw horse sex case - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pride of Hughes aircraft: Patrick Kearney - Wikipedia No room for argument, low level of scholarship plaguing every aspect of the Engineering fraternity - Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile ////////////// -
For @asjoseph, I've notice most humans have variable skills: 1/4th - typically under achievers 1/2 - competent average 1/4th - superior skilled It doesn't matter what the task, this is the general spread. There are exceptions, Chief Executive Officer, Masters of Business Administration, and Purchasing. Actually they have the same distribution but the poor ones lead to alienating and driving off the "superior skilled." That is why I sold my TSLA stock when Elon became distracted. The Boeing Starliner crew were testing a space capsule and found multiple problems that could not be corrected or mitigated after launch. They accomplished their task. So they were promoted to Space Station crew, bumping two planned (future?) Space Station crew members. Their ride back is already at the Space Station ready to return the panned pair and themselves. Bob Wilson
The TROUBLE is..... MOST people do not wish to believe that they're 'merely average....' Ask anyone.... "I'm a little better than average....." is a constant refrain of the driver, gambler, athlete, pilot.........human." Statistically? We're just average.... $cience is the crucible where one must convince other $cientists otherwise. Engineering is where you get to prove it to PHYSICS.
"$cience is the crucible where one must convince other $cientists otherwise." Or, where you present evidence that itself convinces open minds. To enquote I needed to retain the $ even though it i$ intended to demean science. I strive to think of it simply flagging posters not in the right tail of the distribution being discussed here.
Demean or humble? ...ask CAREFULLY, sir. Besides.....'SOME' people in your community deny an association between $ and Science, while others decry it. WHICH is it? WHY the screaming for MORE and MORE money??? How is $cience SO holy that it cannot be beguiled by money (or FAME!!!!) in the same manner as Religion? Government? Like I said..... ASK carefully. MY criticism of science is not that it is corrupt, but rather that it is overly prideful. Of the Seven deadly sins in Christianity PRIDE is considered the original and worst of the seven deadly sins on almost every list, the most demonic.
The costs of performing many kinds of science is becoming less by advancing sensor technology, This is among my great joys. Many results and datasets are internet posted for all to see and make comparisons, Another great joy. Future science is sure to include areas with much wider participation. Yet any humility gap between people who know things and those who don't may close more slowly. My impression is that we you and I want that gap closing to happen from opposite sides.
I just want it closed more effectively. I don't care who gets the credit - OR the blame, as it were......
Me Driving: below average Athlete: below average Gambling: below average Pilot? I can’t even sail a boat Human? Depends on who you ask
The one in the WH now says he is the greatest in history at everything. The only time he says I don’t know is when looking at a picture of E Jean Carroll talking to him.