Yeah, "revised", as it should be! I think I'll give an American company a shot at their 'revised' head gasket. FelPro is known for its 'Problem Solver' line of replacement parts. And as we know, the Gen3 head gasket is a problem. "Fool me once...." Thanks for the link to a 2016 T-SB. My oil consumption if fine. But what about your mention of head bolts? That is not part of the att TSB. If head bolts are needed why aren't they part of this kit?
No. Repair Manual has an involved description of how you can check them. Still, I’ve been swayed by “replace ‘em” advocates: they are stressed near their limits, and considering the price (maybe $100 USD for a set of 10?), maybe peace of mind governs? never done this btw…
Yeah, suggested retail $11 something USD apiece: Bolt #90910-A2011 | and $8.38 USD through just across the border from me dealership. Amayama has the older version head bolt (90910-02166), for me, west coast Canada: $30.80 CDN for ten, plus $26.75 CDN shipping: Buy Genuine Toyota 9091002166 (90910-02166) Bolt (For Cylinder Head Set). Prices, fast shipping, photos, weight - Amayama (they don’t have the newer version)
It remain a possibility at this time too. I don’t really trust KM on vehicle here, since we do not have annual inspection and garages don’t carfax repairs most of the time… Cost like 2400$ (cad) for a JDM with the installation. The guy told me the are low km… but… hard to know honestly. But engines look good to be honest.
Aluminum engines always look good unless there was an oil leak. $2400 ($1653 US) for an installed JDM engine is very good. Not likely here in the US unless it was diy installed.
Oil pans can take a beating, on those pallet-loaded, salvage engines. Not necessarily a dealbreaker, just something to be aware of.
I have never seen this even at a JDM distributor who had hundreds in stock. You will see white oxidation on the aluminum engines from the salt water atmosphere during shipping but it has no real impact.