My v is a 2013 and I had the head unit with the navigation (57011) model and hated it. While the thought of changing it to an aftermarket head unit crossed my mind, I didn't want to lose the vehicle settings functionality. After watching youtube videos of the later facelift model head unit in action, I liked how the display graphics were more crisp, it had split screen capability, the touch screen was much more responsive and everything just loads quicker. But that wouldn't justify the cost of purchasing it, even a used one. That was until I came across a salvage yard seller on ebay, that was selling it (510057 model) for just under $200! Which also included the XM tuner module w/ the wire harness and SD card map for the navigation! Did quite a bit of research, especially on & Apparently a lot of people retrofit their non-navigation head units with the navigation ones. Almost everything was plug & play except for the GPS & XM antenna as well as the backup camera. The GPS & XM changed from the square FAKRA connectors (Blue and Grey) to something more U-shaped. The backup camera connector changed from a 16 pin to a 24 pin. Not sure why Toyota did that, since the backup camera only uses 5 wires... Pre-Facelift XM antenna - blue connector (upper right corner) GPS antenna - grey connector (lower left corner) backup camera - top middle connector right above the grey square connector (USB) Facelift XM antenna - dark grey connector (lower left corner) GPS antenna - cream connector (upper right corner) backup camera - top left connector * The new head unit has a unused socket that sits between the 24 pin backup camera and the 28 pin. Not sure why So the adapters I got were 2x 86808-02080 priced at around $35 These are GPS adapters made for the Corolla that allow you to connect the square FAKRA to the U-shaped connector on the newer head unit. It wasn't a clean fit on the XM plug since that's a separate part on its own (86101-02550) but you can gently force it in, until it clicks (the GPS and XM connectors have different grooves). The XM adapter costed about double of the GPS adapter. I didn't want to pay more, so I took the risk and thankfully it worked! For the backup camera, I found a online vendor (AutoHarnessHouse) that was able to custom make a 16 pin male to 24 pin female adapter. Brands like Scosche only makes adapters that connect to aftermarket units. I'd like to note, when I connected everything, I was quite frustrated that the unit didn't detect my GPS antennae and the XM radio kept cutting in and out with very little service. It bothered me for weeks as I kept wondering if the GPS adapters were faulty or just wouldn't work for the Prius. It turned out, the XM and GPS connectors got swapped on the newer head units. Lastly, I decided to also pickup from the same salvage seller, the climate control / AC unit since it was redesigned just a little to look more flush with the newer head unit. The center air vents would also need to be replaced to give it a cleaner look, but I can live with that for now, until I find it on ebay for cheap.
Nice job! I also own a v (plus+) in the Netherlands with a JBL headunit with DAB+ reception. I was wondering if you maintained all the functionality after the retrofit. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Yes I did. Steering wheel and voice recognition still functions. The head unit properly displays my MPG history and status updates. And it also gave me additional options (can't remember off the top of my head) in "Vehicle Settings"
Did you have as the original HU a JBL version? I had no luck finding a 2015 HI for the v. Am I correct assuming that only the HU from a v will fit? What exact model number/name should I search for? Thanks in advance. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The head units I swapped out were NON JBL. You are correct, ONLY the HU from a v will fit other v's. The facelift model # designations are as follows for USA: 510058 - JBL 510057 - NAV 510056 - NON-NAV Seeing that you're from Amsterdam, I found this site that has the part/model numbers for the European Plus NAVIGATION & FRONT MONITOR DISPLAY for Toyota PRIUS +/PRIUS V ZVW40L-AWXEBW (1411- ), Europe market, 2012/03 - 2014/11 | ZVW40 2ZRFXE CVT LHD, Part codes: 8614047140,8614047150,8614047160,8614047170,8614047220,8614047230,8614047240,8614047390,8614047400
Hello Kepik, I followed your tutorial and did the upgrade. However, upon completion, it seems I have lost the USB connection. The USB port (next to the AUX port) no longer recognize any USB. Did you encounter the same thing and if so, how did you fix it?
I have a 2013 Prius V (two) and I've been wanting to do this myself but I had no clue where to begin. Thank you for sharing this, this will be a great help when I decide to switch out and upgrade my head unit.
Kepik, I see you did this with full reversibility by using the adapter cables but if you had been able to clip the connectors and wires off of the harness of the 2015 car for the camera, the XM and GPS antenna, would you have been able to splice these into your wiring harness? Also, you noted that you had the XM and GPS backwards, Is the labeling correct in your writeup (post #1)?
I tray few days a go but seams to not match with A/C panel.How you solve this problem? You change A/C panel also?
I recently upgraded our 2012 Prius v head unit to a 2016 based on this thread. I wanted to thank the OP for the information and add a couple of details or changes that I made. Key differences: Skipped the purchased camera adapter by de-pinning the wires and inserting them into a plug that I got with the new unit Found less expensive GPS / Satellite Radio antenna adapter cables Bought the new AC controls for esthetics but swapped the controller boards as there were incompatibilities. Built and installed a microcontroller based Nav Lockout Bypass. The Nav Bypass lockout was based on this post by b11101100 and my comments on the bypass have been added to that thread. Speed sensor defeat - a modified approach | PriusChat When buying the new head unit : make sure the small wiring harness that interconnects the top unit to the bottom unit is included. The original and upgrade are very different and I had to turn down a lesser expensive unit at a local wrecker due to this deficiency. instead of unplugging the connectors, have the wrecker CUT THE OTHER CABLES and supply them with the unit. This gives you the proper plug for the backup camera. ask if the SD card is included. If they don't understand your question, chances are they don't know enough to take it out so it will probably still be there but there is no guarantee. To access and remove entertainment unit see the following link: First Navigation Speed Lock Override (from the PC shop) in a Prius v: SUCCESS! | PriusChat Practice de-pinning the sockets on the main plug (L38) that came with the new unit. You won't use this plug so no worries if you screw something up. using a small screw driver pry out the plastic retention bar on the bottom of the plug about 1mm on the socket you want to remove, push the wire in to get the socket to the front of the plug on the front of the plug, insert a small flat screwdriver into the square opening above the small hole for the socket. Angle the tip down toward the socket as you are inserting it. Then reverse the angle to pry the plastic catch away from the socket and then pull on the wire to remove the socket. Take photos and note the wire locations on the camera plugs (both new and old). Depin all wires from the new backup camera plug. Then de-pin the harness wires from the original camera plug swap them into the new locations in the new camera plug. There may be a couple of extra wires in the new plug which get ignored. My GPS and Satellite Radio connectors came from Discount Car Stereo and were 20 USD each plus shipping. The connector does not latch into the head unit in the same way as the factory connectors but they are very snug and I don't think they will come off. These cost quite a bit less than the Toyota equivalent: 86808-02080. I bought both GPS and Sat Radio for the price of one Toyota version. Part Number XMM-TOY Cable Length: 6 inch, SMB Terminal: Straight Pinout of Camera Connectors if case you get snarled up Note that pinouts will be mirrored depending on whether you are looking at the back or front or at the plug or the jack. There is a little dot that marks pin 1 or you can use the existing wire colours to get oriented. 2014 and older 2015 and newer Camera + L34-7 (W) L172-11 (W) Camera V+ L34-8 (R) L172-12 (R) Camera V- L34-16 (B) L172-24 (B) Cam Ground L34-15 (shld) L172-23 (shld) MSCL (meter assy) L172-3 (B) -not connected MSCH (meter assy) L172-4 (W) -not connected Once I had everything back together, I found the AC controls did not work properly. After dismantling and swapping the controller boards, everything was back to normal. You might chose to do this proactively as it was a bit of a hassle getting everything apart again to make the swap. Photos to come.
Here are the original and updated camera connectors L34 Connector by MrZap posted Jan 31, 2021 at 11:24 PM L172 Connector by MrZap posted Jan 31, 2021 at 11:24 PM Pry up this retention bar about 1mm. By the way this is not the camera connector. I'm practicing on the main connector I got with the new unit which does not get used. IMG_20201213_222051 by MrZap posted Jan 31, 2021 at 11:24 PM then remove the socket by releasing the clip from the front. IMG_20201213_222255 by MrZap posted Jan 31, 2021 at 11:24 PM Here are the GPS and Sat Radio connectors IMG_20201213_152629 by MrZap posted Jan 31, 2021 at 11:24 PM IMG_20201216_004605 by MrZap posted Jan 31, 2021 at 11:24 PM To remove the AC control, you will have to pull down the right hand side of the plastic panel below the control pretty hard. The 3 prongs coming up have to bepulled pretty far down to clear the AC control. Have a good look as there are quite a few locking plastic points that hold this area together. I can't remember for sure but maybe a couple of screws too? IMG_20201216_003537 by MrZap posted Jan 31, 2021 at 11:36 PM Swapping the boards in the AC control IMG_20201217_193609 by MrZap posted Jan 31, 2021 at 11:24 PM Camera connector from the original (sorry, don't have a photo of the new connector) IMG_20201215_201947 by MrZap posted Jan 31, 2021 at 11:24 PM
Thanks for this great Wright up. Few years ago I had a Prius III where I replaced the HU for a deluxe business one so I’m not new to this. looking to upgrade the same way as you I jumpy on eBay and started my search. here starts my question. on eBay I find the 2016 HU for €190 ish which seems to be single din fitting. or a €500,- 2015 model which looks like 2din I’m lost here and hope anybody can help me.
Hope you found an answer I don't check here very often. The second one looks like the facelift photo from above so I'd say that was the correct one.
knap: You mention Single vs. Double DIN. What is actually the case is that the shorter unit is missing the "Expansion Box", which is normally bolted under the main module. If you want the functionality beyond trim level two (Navigation or Entune) then you need a head unit that supports the Expansion Box, and the expansion box itself.
I want to comment on @MrZap's discussion about transferring the wires from a 16 pin plug, and a 24 pin plug. I am a certified cheapskate, and I would have done the same thing, if circumstances had permitted. Using a custom adapter is not as expensive as you might assume. I purchased 2016 510057 unit on eBay yesterday. The seller has 100% positive feedback with 4700+ feedbacks, so I felt comfortable buying and a great price. It had a complete "Spider Cable". I forgot about the camera cable issue. This morning I remembered the camera connector issue of 16 vs 24 pins. I began looking into adapter cables meant for connecting an aftermarket Backup Camera to a Toyota stock Head Unit on eBay and Amazon. My thinking was to buy one, and use the 24 pin shell as the plug into the new unit, and transfer the pins from the current 16 pin plug. I would throw the rest away (that part makes me cringe). The cost: $19.99 + tax, and 2 day delivery from Amazon. I decided to inquire about the custom adapter that the OP (Kepik) used in his installation. AutoHarnessHouse made the original adapter for Kepik, but the website didn't list that adapter on their site. I used the email link, and I got a fast reply. Apparently AutoHarnessHouse gets enough requests for this exact custom connector, that they do keep a few in stock. The same 16 vs 24 pin issue happens in other Toyota vehicles like the regular Prius, Rav4, 4Runner... etc. What I wasn't expecting was the very reasonable price. I won't mention the exact cost, in case they decide to change it later. Lets just say it was low enough that I could not justify the time or effort to get a 24 pin shell, much less transferring the pins to the new shell. And I am a cheapskate. The quick response, and a very reasonable price has me here to give a shout out to Brian Doll, Technical Support and Sales Engineer. This is an unpaid ringing endorsement for their firm!
My head unit 57011 display on the 2014 Prius v was getting a barely readable bright washed out magenta tinge. Ordered an eBay 510057 unit and hooked it up with XM and GPS cables reversed. Powering up, software update 010157 got pushed to the head unit. Reversing the cables got XM working, however the map shows no GPS. I drove it around but cannot acquire GPS satellites. Both arrows move on the New York map and compass heading, but direction is a little off and I'm in the Bay Area - minimal satellites? Seeing how this is plug and play, it looks to be a defective unit. Test mode says no GPS and External Box is bad. Code B15C1 indicates a GPS Antenna problem. edit: forgot to attach last 2 pictures