Help... Doing front right brakes, it went wrong. Torque wrench set at 101ft-lbf and some how stripped upper bolt. Any feedback would be appreciated. INSTALL FRONT DISC BRAKE CYLINDER MOUNTING (a) Install the front disc brake cylinder mounting to the steering knuckle with the 2 bolts. Torque: 137 N·m (1394 kgf·cm, 101ft·lbf)
Thanks for asking about the bolt. I went out checked. Not steering knuckle, but the caliper bracket... No threads in knuckle lol. So I need to replace the caliper bracket. Thank you
100 sounds like it's WAY too much. Where did you get that number from? Either the threads were already messed up, or cross threaded. You should double check that. And your torque wrench.
101 ft/lb is the repair manual spec, for the caliper mounting bracket bolts. The bolts going onto the caliper slide pins are much lower torque.