They are an older series that got sold to Mitsubishi. There are still a lot of them still in use though.
there are some really good aviation YouTuber's especially such as Juan Browne (blancolirio). You cannot take it much farther than he does without getting into unwarranted speculation. It's amazing how low to the ground the CRJ wings are situated. I love USA NTSB, if you notice, they error extensively on the side of verbose open and often disclosure of what they know. I do not think we will see quite such in any other Country.
I expect this to get worse: American Airlines flight discontinues landing to avoid departing plane at Washington National | AP News.
Ya, FlexJet crossed an active runway without clearance. That can be a Class-A no-no. They may need to dismiss a pilot, but qualified replacements are available. They have a strong business model to protect. Another recent FlexJet incident: American Airlines flight discontinues landing to avoid departing plane at Washington National | AP News Southwest Airlines flight abruptly rises to avoid another plane crossing runway | AP News Commercial pilots are very well trained to watch for conflicts on landing. Their crafts are very capable of climbing above conflicts, having still some speed -> climb rate. Without intending to seed fear, runway conflicts on takeoff would concern me more. Less speed, and takeoff pilots have to make a decision. Full stop, or get fast enough lift enough to get above obstacle in front.