Confirm P/N's for "2013" PIP 'Brake Actuator Assy' & 'Booster Pump/Accumulator'?

Discussion in 'Gen 1 Prius Plug-in 2012-2015' started by davekro, Feb 27, 2025.

  1. davekro

    davekro Member

    Oct 23, 2013
    SF Bay Area, East Bay
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    As @ChapmanF has noted in several threads on replacing one or both of the 'Brake Actuator Assy' (upper unit) & 'Booster Pump/Accumulator' (lower) units, the names used by online sites for Toyota Dealers and eBay vary confusingly, so you have to go by the part number, and it's picture to know which unit is which. I'd like to confirm the correct P/N's for each and ask a few other related questions.

    'Actuator Assy, Brake w/Fluid' (aka Brake Master Cylinder Assy w/Fluid) This is the upper unit that attaches through the firewall to the brake pedal (see picture at end of post):
    My local Toyota dealer here in the SF Bay Area told me that for my "2013 Plug-In" there were two different possible part numbers, 47050-47210 –or– 47050-47340. He said, they have to pull the one in my Prius to see the PN of the one in my car, to determine which my car has, then order it. They both have the identical part diagram, so I assume are identical physically from the outside. Researching further, I read there was a software change, so it depends on the build date, if you have the older 210 or the newer 340 version in your car. Using dealer site's vehicle selection of Year-2013 > Brand-Toyota > Model- Prius Plug In > Full PHEV (-or- Electr./Gas...weird that this is listed as an option for a "Plug In"!) the dealer site's links to the PN's above shows the older 47210 fits 2012 to 2015 and the newer 47340 fits 2014 through 2015. I guess parts guy was being extra careful with a 2013??

    'Brake Booster Pump Assembly w/ Accumulator' This is the lower unit with the two 'can looking' cylinders
    (see picture at end of post).
    All my searching/ research says that Pump Assembly, Brake Booster (PN 47070-47060 )

    2010-2018 Toyota, is the correct part for my 2013 Plug In, an in fact spans many years and models. Though the part description shows 2010-2018, down below in the Vehicle Fitment list for Prius Plug In, it only shows 2015 Year. Spec manuals, and even more so websites can have errors. I expect that is what this is, but it still would be good to confirm with those here that know from either buying the part for your DIY install or from your dealer's installation invoice.

    When I was last I was researching the fix for my brake symptoms a few months ago (continuous/ repeating 10 second brake pump running sound, all the associated dash lights, and the notorious C1391 code), the opinions seemed unanimous, that you should replace both units, because you could not know which unit was at fault. The car has been parked, not driven.

    Soon, I expect to have the time to do this DIY repair, so I was searching PriusChat again on the topic to refresh my memory and of course my parts search query as noted above. I ran across some discussions where @ChapmanF posited here (post #16) that it may just be that the Actuator Assy is bad, based on a sound recording submitted... "If your sounds really are exactly like in that video, that pump sounded pretty good really. It's the valves in the actuator that are probably shot."

    This rang a bell for me. I had always thought that the PUMP sounded very strong, so didn't seem like it would be the issue. Of course, the pump 'running' strong every 10 seconds does not mean that the other parts of the system in the lower Booster Pump/ Actuator were not a problem. ie, 1) Pump great, but an internal pressure leak here causing pump to run every 10 seconds, 2) Pump running fine but not pushing anywhere near the psi spec needed, Other parts may or may not have a pressure leak.

    But the idea of the "valves in the upper Actuator Assy may be shot", seems like a decent possibility, since that unit has the constant brake pedal movement over 200k miles of use. ChapmanF's thoughts here make me lean more strongly to risk just replacing the upper Actuator Assy. The risk being that if it does not fix the issue(s), I get to go back in, pull the Actuator Assy (easier the second time ;o), and pull and replace the lower Brake Booster/ Accumulator assy.

    Anyway, that's the end of my always wordy parts questions and thoughts on my repair. I could not discern any different sounds at the end of the video that ChapmanF did, that sounded like the pump kicking in that sounded strong to him (Prius Sound while braking Video here). But my hearing is not to par. If there is any chance that my posting a sound recording of my 2013 Plug In's 10-second repeating pump sound, I will certainly do that, if requested.

    Here is a helpful image of both units provided by ChapmanF from the other thread. How they are shown here matches their upper, lower orientation as mounted in the car. The upper unit is the "Actuator Assy", the lower, as noted, is the Booster Pump/ Accumulator Assy.
    Edit 2/27/25 2:20pm: I corrected the description of the upper unit in the actual attached image to eliminate confusion.

    *TWO different Brake parts our 2013 Prius- Image .png

    #1 davekro, Feb 27, 2025
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2025
  2. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Oh no! Is it failure time for pips?
  3. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    Lower Brake Booster Pump / Accumulator assy. :) Don't leave out the word 'pump'. Brake Booster (without 'pump') is the top thing.

    Toyota had an early run of bad accumulators in 2010. They had a recall and replaced a lotta those pump/accumulator assemblies.

    My reason for mentioning that here is because when they knew they were going to have to do that, for that many accumulator assemblies, why, they sat right down and figured out a way to replace the thing without having to take out the actuator first (or the chassis subframe, which I kid you not is how the repair manual originally said to do it).

    You can find their procedure in the technical instructions for that recall (I think D0H was the magic word you can search for that recall). It involved some specially-fabricated skinny tools, but it looked like it would definitely beat doing the job some longer harder way.
    davekro likes this.
  4. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    These? I made SURE to salt them away.

    Attached Files:

    bisco likes this.
  5. davekro

    davekro Member

    Oct 23, 2013
    SF Bay Area, East Bay
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I had just copied over the image you had posted leaving the incorrect description on the upper unit. I agree this is so confusing that even though I mentioned the correct description in the comment above the graphic, it was worth the effort to go back and show the correct description next to the upper image of the A c c u m u l a t o r . (y)

    Coming back having this DIY project back on my radar, in my que, and being busy, I thought I might just take it to the dealer. They quoted me $1500 labor, $873 Booster Pump/ Accumulator (47070-47060), $882 Actuator Assy/aka Master Cylinder (both 210 & 340 PN's above). So, in the neighborhood of $3,450 w/ tax. Checking independant shops, several said they would not touch it. A few others quoted the same or more than my local Toyota Dealer. I asked the Toyota shop labor rate, and they said $250/hr. So I assume this is a 6 hour job for them.

    Then I ran across a few discussions where people had found used parts supposedly from vehicles with known mileage (like 45k-75k) for ≈$150-$250. I thought, for +/- $200 per part, that might be worth looking into. BUT, I only found used parts on eBay for $350+ to $450+. And could not be sure what part number they were actually selling! Forget that for 'USED'. I found several online Toyota dealers with "online only" pricing of ≈ $600-$625 w/ shipping for both parts (see links to parts above in my original post).
    Now my thinking is to buy one of these new $625-ish upper ACTUATOR Assemblies and just replace it, the top more accessible unit.

    But there is still a question about a part number on the actual Actuators. On eBay, two used Actuators showed OEM laser etched part numbers of 47210-47140 (link), the other showed, best I could tell, 47210-52020 (link) or see attached screenshots. Both ads say these are for 2010-2015. Well, we know they are not for 2010, but should be the earlier 47050-47210 Actuator version. If I assume the first 5 etched numbers are supposed to correlate to the second 5 digits of the Toyota PN... I don't know what the second 5 ETCHED numbers mean? When I remove my car's Actuator and it has etched on it "47210-1234" or whatever), does the brand-new part I buy online need to have all 10 laser etched digits match what my old Actuator has etched on it???
    $359.99 PN on part 47210-47140 (Can't tell if a match or not) .png $375.99 (match unknown) 47210 52020 on casing PRIUS BRAKE PUMP BOOSTER .png

    "(or the chassis subframe, which I kid you not is how the repair manual originally said to do it)."
    An independent shop I was quoting was talking about how big this job was because it called for removing the subframe. I told him this was wrong, it is accessed from the top. I thought he was high ;), but now I see he was reading what Toyota had published. Maybe a very old version, IDK.

    Anyway, I'm hoping to get some clarity on
    1) The correlation of Toyota's published PN's and what Toyota had etched on their actual OEM Actuators.
    2) Should I post a sound video for you to see if your eagle ears ;) might have an educated guess if it sounds like a) good (or fair) chance it is just the valves in the Actuator vs. b) well...... it sounds like the lower Pump/ Accumulator could be a problem too (or instead).

    Any advice is appreciated :)
  6. davekro

    davekro Member

    Oct 23, 2013
    SF Bay Area, East Bay
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Thank you for always jumping in to share nuggets of gold you have collected over the years. I have viewed you as a defacto archivist here on Prius Chat. Many thanks. I had saved the 7-23-13 Toyota letter that you shared in a different thread on this topic that I linked to in my original post. But I did not have the 2nd one here, dated 6-10-13. It is saved and filed now!
    Thank you sir! (y)
  7. davekro

    davekro Member

    Oct 23, 2013
    SF Bay Area, East Bay
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    You know better than to Cuss and use inflammatory language on this site! :)
    bisco likes this.
  8. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    After you went to that effort, I hate to say this, but Toyota made no mistake in the name of the upper unit.

    The "booster" and the "booster pump" are two different things, and the "booster" is located in the upper unit.

    The "booster" is a small chamber at the rear of the master-cylinder bore where pressurized fluid enters and pushes on the back of the piston. It pushes in the same direction as your foot, so it boosts your brake effort. (I have posted a diagram of it before, but I'm not sure how easy it will be to search up that post.)

    The "booster pump" is what forces fluid into the accumulator at high pressure so that it is available to flow to the "booster".

    The top unit has multiple names that all get used, and they all are correct. It is sometimes called the brake booster, the brake actuator, the master cylinder, or the skid ECU. Those names are all correct because it encompasses all those things in gen 3.

    The bottom unit also goes by multiple names, sometimes called the booster pump (just don't forget the word 'pump'!) and sometimes the accumulator assembly. Those terms for the bottom unit are also interchangeable and correct.

    The important thing is just to not mix up any of the correct names for the top thing with any of the correct names for the bottom thing.

    So, regrettably, I have to post the drawing again without your annotations ....

  9. davekro

    davekro Member

    Oct 23, 2013
    SF Bay Area, East Bay
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    @ChapmanF ,
    Are you able to help with my confusion over the 47210-47140 number that is laser etched on the upper Actuator Assy pictures that I have seen online (link) and the part number of the part being 47050-47210? When I pull my Actuator, assuming that it has an etched number with the first 5 digits matching one of the two Toyota PN's that end in either -47210 or -47340, am I to assume that no matter what the etched last 5 digits on the part are, I am safe to buy the Toyota PN that has the last 5 digits of either -47210 or -47340? Do you know what the last 5 digits of the 'etched' number actually on the part means or refers to?

    Your point is well taken, especially with your explanation that the upper unit has a 'booster' function as well as the lower unit does. Good to know. I was just going from the literal descriptions I had initially run across. LOL, I do see now that in the online dealer where I will end up buying the upper unit (probably the) PN 47050-47210, the description there is just as in the image you posted "Brake Booster"! (y)

    I went to edit my original post, but forgot that function goes away after some time. As much confusion as I have had differentiating these two parts, the last thing I want to do is ADD to the confusion! ;) To correct my errant posting of your image in my original post, I too want to show that name in the drawing should NOT have been crossed out. Clarity & accuracy! :)

    *TWO different Brake parts our 2013 Prius- Image .png

    Life as we know it is good again. :D
  10. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    This kind of thing has come up before, and not just with Toyota. Parts often have markings on them that have the same letter/digit forms as part numbers and are just plain not the part number of the part. It gave me fits with an old Ford I had, I would go in to the dealer and say "I need this part number, see it's right here on this part in my hand" and he would shake his head and try to explain it all to me as he went and looked up the right part number.

    Sometimes the number you are seeing is the non-cataloged part number of some (not for sale) component of the whole part that you buy, and the component just happens to be on the outside so the number shows. It might just be an "engineering number" and not a part number, as the poor Ford dealership guy tried more than once to explain to me (so why in blue tunket can't they make those numbers look different from part numbers?). Or if the part has a computer in it, maybe you're seeing a number that's the (not for sale) bare hardware part, before they burn in the specific firmware that makes it the part number you need to buy.

    Most of the time when a Toyota part has some number showing on it that isn't its part number, it just remains unexplained. With these brake actuators, if I remember right, somebody did end up going to the trouble of adding the visible numbers into the parts descriptions on Toyota's parts site; you can look up the part by the right part number, and the description will include something like "mark xxxxx-xxxxx" which will be the other number you can read on the part. (At least, it was that way on, which was a pretty decent site, before they replaced it with and made it awful. I'm not sure what you get as the description anymore, besides some sloppy AI-generated SEO gunk.)

    The first five characters of a Toyota part is a PNC or part number code, essentially a category. If your brake master cylinder has a part number 47050-something, then when you see another part 47050-somethingelse you can be pretty sure it's also some kind of a brake master cylinder, but could be for some completely other car . The last five have to match (or be a published supersession) for it to be the right part.
  11. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    From the attachment ending in ...909 that attached to post #4: booster pump, same part number, but:

  12. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    Yeah, that was a way they were able to distinguish the good and bad production runs of 2010 accumulators for that recall. I don't know how widely-applicable that rubric is beyond that original situation.
    Mendel Leisk likes this.
  13. davekro

    davekro Member

    Oct 23, 2013
    SF Bay Area, East Bay
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Thank you for listing the multiple reasons that numbers on an assembly would not necessarily be the part number of 'the assembly'! Each possible reason makes perfect sense. Thanks for the explanations. I could tell as you said, that the first five digits of the Toyota Part Number refer to a particular category of parts related to specific parts of systems, that was clear.

    Being told by my local Toyota dealer that they would not know which of the two different Toyota Part Numbers, my particular 2013 Plug in would need until they saw the "part number" that was on my car's part. I'll assume that if the first five digits printed on my car's actual part must be the same as the 2nd five digits of the actual Toyota Part Number. So when I pull my part, I'll expect to see the number printed on my part to be either: 47210-xxxxx or 47340-xxxxx. That will tell me to buy either 47050-47210 –or– 47050-47340, the Toyota Part Numbers that my local Toyota Dealer said it was one of these two for the upper unit called Actuator Assy, Brake; Brake Booster Assy; or Brake Master Cylinder Assy. The 'name' does not matter, just the Toyota Part Number. ;o). I assume we just ignore the 1st five digits on the actual part from our car, as well as the first five digits (in the same location) on the new replacement part we just bought.

    Or would you think the (engineering #, sub part #, or whatever it is) on the removed old part, should match the xxxxx-xxxxx number on the new Toyota replacement part? I will go forward with this project in a week or so.
    1) If the xxxxx-xxxxx numbers on my old part matches the number xxxxx-xxxxx number on my new part. I'd say there is no doubt, install it.
    2) When I pull the old part, I'll know to buy either the 47050-47210 or the 47050-47340. I won't know until I receive the shipped from Ourisman Toyota in Richmond, VA.

    On to the project when I get back from a trip.
  14. davekro

    davekro Member

    Oct 23, 2013
    SF Bay Area, East Bay
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I'll have to look at these two documents closer before I start the project to see if they have a use for my 2013 removal and installation of the upper Actuator Assy. I plan on following this YouTube 2010-2015 Toyota Prius ABS Removal by The Yota Channel. Is it the clearest How To I have come across so far. I bought a scanner capable of doing the brake bleed procedure (Autel Scanner MaxiCOM MK808S on sale at the time for ≈ $350 :eek:), but I'll need to go back and find the How To's on that. I don't recall if I saved links for that at the time or not. If anyone has any good How To links on the bleeding procedure, especially using the Autel MK808S, that would be cool.

    I assumed they were speaking too just the 2010 recall, and the 2010 had a one piece pump, accumulator, actuator assy, I thought. These documents show the two independent units and has references to years 2008 thru 2015, etc for 'Campaign Designation Decoder' (what ever that is).
  15. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    That somehow isn't any of the ways I've ever thought it worked.

    The five-character prefix of a part number is a part number code (PNC), indicating what kind of a thing something is. If PNC abcde is a master cylinder, then part abcde-47010 would be a certain master cylinder for one car, and abcde-47030 would be a different master cylinder (one for a different car, or an updated one for the same car, or something.)

    I've never imagined any kind of connection where the prefix of one number is related to the suffix of something else.

    You might look at some of these earlier threads where the same business got discussed:

    ABS Module part number?
    looking for Brake booster assembly 47050-47070

    You can see (from the first link) that on Toyota's old parts website, the description of the part would come up showing what the "MARK" was, etched on the part. There were different possible MARKs, but they all happened to start with 47210. There wasn't a MARK that started with 47340. I think it's coincidence if the prefix of the MARK happens to be the same digits as the suffix of some part number.

    I think it's probably not a coincidence that the 47210 prefix of the MARKs resembles the callout, 47210L, for the brake actuator on the diagram.

    You'll also notice that where Toyota's old parts website gave you a description with useful information like the MARK, their new parts website gives you instead this paragraph of useless AI-generated effing SEO bullshit:

    The Brake Master Cylinder Assembly with Fluid (#47050-47340) from Toyota Autoparts is a critical component in the Drive-Chassis category, specifically in the Brake Master Cylinder system. Its primary role is to convert the mechanical force of pressing the brake pedal into hydraulic pressure. This pressure is then used to engage the vehicle's brake calipers and pads, allowing the car to slow down or stop. As a genuine part, it boasts Toyota's genuine parts warranty and offers prime compatibility with your vehicle. Over time, this part can wear out, become clogged, or even break. If it fails, your ability to effectively brake your vehicle could be compromised, which in turn jeopardizes the safety of the vehicle's occupants. Hence, periodic replacement is key. The Brake Master Cylinder Assembly with Fluid (#47050-47340) contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle, ensuring your brakes function optimally at all times.​

    It's probably a good thing that I'm not president in a country that gives presidential immunity. If I were, there would be a lot fewer web developers making that kind of change to websites, and it would happen rather quickly.