Didn't know you had to this is the receiver in your door that works with your remote and your alarm system Do you have a silverback remote SKS type with the button under the steering wheel? I guess it would be in Toyota software which I have I have to look and see if that's a thing I have no idea they had to be programmed I thought you could just take one from a car unplug it and pretty much plug it in but it would have to be from a car with SKS or without SKS depending upon what you're working with that I'm pretty sure would have to be the same but I imagine the electronics guys will be along in a minute but I can look in the software and about an hour pull it off the shelf and turn it on and see what's available for door modules or whatever
Thank you. The car is a non Smart Key with the black only FOB. The receiver was water damaged and needs to be replaced. A new genuine Toyota replacement is $984 here in Canada. A used one on E bay is $30. The receiver will have to be programmed to receive the signal the fob is sending in order to work. A used receiver will be programmed to the key from the car from which it was taken. My experience with buying used key fobs is that we can never fully program them. (They will start the car but no lock/unlock feature). I fear this will be the case with a used receiver. I was hopeful that if I installed one it will automatically program itself from the information already stored. I have not been able to find anything in Techstream that mentions programming the receiver. Even if I have to buy the new one I won't be able to program it.
So I wonder what the deal is it needs the transponder code burned in to the door module isn't there one in both front doors or there's one in every door or something like that these are the ones with the blue writing or something on them talks about the megahertz and so on they have to be programmed wow okay then so meaning if I take one out of this rectal 9 SKS car and put it in my '09 SKS car that's not wreck that we've been driving for years it's not going to work and that's all this thing does is work with the fobs right to take the signal to unlock the door lock the door etc?. I figured once the handshake was established between the fob and the SKS module under the dash pad everything after that should just work without having to be too intelligent I guess is what I'm looking to say I mean what's the point then but exactly money.
Do we know for sure that it actually has to be programmed? The car could store that information elsewhere. Maybe just plug it in and see if it works?
For a non-SKS Gen2, you should be able to erase all key fob data from the used door control receiver (they call it the "rewrite" function), then add your fobs. You can do this with a (fully capable) scantool, Techstream, the ThinkDiag, possibly the Autel AP200 (it does immobilizer stuff on my SKS Gen2, haven't tried it on non-SKS). There's a "pat your head & rub your belly" procedure using the dash slot and driver's door. That doesn't need a scantool, but you'll have to get a copy of the factory service manual - specifically the Door Lock section. Use the search function in the Gen2 forums. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
It's probably worth trying the $30. one on e Bay and see if that works. I will let you know. Thank you.