My Poor 2012... I need a South Florida Mechanic!

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by omuomu, Feb 18, 2025.

  1. omuomu

    omuomu New Member

    Jan 30, 2025
    2012 Prius
    So in the midst of my battle with Toyota over the brake booster (long story), my head gasket goes. Jeez Louise, what a terrible year. Car has 130,500 miles on it, these are the first issues I've ever had, one right after the other. I can't afford another car (in the middle of an amicable divorce but there's a lot involved), so my only recourse is repair. I took care of the car but it didn't seem to matter- always used synthetic, etc. I didn't know the car had an EGR (like my Beetle TDI) or if it's even clogged. The only things I can do on cars are brakes and the like. Trust me on that one!!

    That said, I don't want to actually do that, I want to swap out the engine for a rebuilt or an updated JDM. There's an excellent mechanic down here who gave me a reasonable quote including guarantee (about 4K), providing his own motor but it's just a bit too much for me (brakes have to be done as well, quotes have been 2400-2700). Wish I could. Got a similar quote from up north including transport.

    So seeing as I can get a JDM shipped for about 1100, or a rebuilt for around 1700 (which I would prefer), how much do you think labor should be? Does anyone know of a good shop in South Florida (I have AAA, I can get it towed up to 100 miles) who can do this kind of work? So far, either I found that super helpful guy about 30 miles away, or quite far indeed. Others don't return my emails or pick up their phones. Sigh. Luckily, I still live with the soon to be ex and my daughter and will continue to, I hope, so I've got a 2017 I can use and I don't even drive very much, but I take occasional long drives. I average around 5K a year (for now). I'll probably have to do the ABS as well (Toyota won't pay- they acknowledge they sent the notices to the wrong person but they expect me to be psychic! I still plan to take 'em on!). UGH!!

    I still plan to ask that same mechanic whether he'll put mine in instead, no guarantee, since when I called I hadn't thought to do that.

    Sigh again. My poor Charlie. My daughter talks to him. :)

    O C

    Charlie 2012 III Solar Roof Package and the Remnants of Blue Paint

    PS Been lurking here off and on for years, finally decided to join and it's been super informative, thanks in advance everyone!
  2. Leadfoot J. McCoalroller

    Leadfoot J. McCoalroller Senior Member

    May 12, 2018
    2018 Prius c
    Tampa Hybrids has a good reputation. I've never used them myself but several other Priuschatters have posted good results.
    Mendel Leisk and omuomu like this.
  3. omuomu

    omuomu New Member

    Jan 30, 2025
    2012 Prius

    Yeah, that's the "distant" one I was referring to. But it's 4.5 hours away. He (Todd) helped me with a good way to get it up there, but the price would be a wash with the guy here. He's (Tampa) really good, I would buy a car from him if I was able to buy one. So I'd have to transport the car up there, take a train (which is fine with me, and it's only $23), and drive back. I may still do it all things being equal, as my band has a show in Tampa next month and I could send it up and just drive it back. But it's about the same price. Ouch (not an ouch for Joe Consumer, just for me!).

    If it wasn't for the brake issue I would've done it already. Man, 2025... is it still under warranty?!

    I plan to do a write up and video when this saga is over, one way or another. I want to help my fellow Priora Pals down here if possible.

    It could be a lot worse I guess, my previous cars were VW's!!!

    O C

    Charlie the Talking Car
  4. bettergolf

    bettergolf Active Member

    Jan 8, 2019
    Sanford NC
    2015 Prius
    There is a guy on PC somewhere that travels and changes engines all in about a day. You'll have to search to find him unless some other members here can direct toy to him...
    omuomu likes this.
  5. omuomu

    omuomu New Member

    Jan 30, 2025
    2012 Prius

    Yeah, Drew "skimmilkhybrid", nice guy, he's on Instagram and he sells rebuilt engines on eBay. I am probably going to buy one of his. Unfortunately, he's a 24-hour drive away from me, I already asked :) But thanks, keep the ideas coming, maybe we'll find something.

    I had emailed a place about an hour away with questions, and they sent me an email with no answers but a guy's number. Spoke to him today, and when I told him I wanted an engine swap he said he'd call me back in 5-10 minutes, but never did. I hate stuff like that. In my business, you do that and you're not getting the gig. Granted, it's totally different business, but c'mon, send an email with answers, or call back, even if you can't do it. It's really discouraging.

    Ugh, this year...

    Basically, I can't finance right now, too much going on with personal/home stuff. Divorce, amicable or not, is awful. But I can put some repairs on a no-interest (for now) card I have and that would be ok. But not 7K in total ok! Or 4K. But maybe I'm totally wrong. I just don't know, I guess. If I got an engine for either 1100 shipped or 1700 shipped, is it really 2900 or 2300 in labor? Maybe! But the quotes I've gotten in that range have guarantees and they provide the engine and all that, so I understand. Wish I could do that!

    Maybe I could cut out the floor boards and do it Flintstones-style...

    O C
  6. ASRDogman

    ASRDogman Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    2010 Prius
    Perhaps just replace the head gasket???? Less than an engine.
    That is the least expensive way to go. Hopefully the head is not warped, likely isn’t unless you
    kept driving it and it overheated…. But if not, You could do that job. Unless you are not
    mechanically inclined.
    But at least the car would be drivable until your situation improves.
    Mendel Leisk and omuomu like this.
  7. omuomu

    omuomu New Member

    Jan 30, 2025
    2012 Prius

    Thanks, but I suspect the head is damaged, I wasn't driving someone else was, and I think she drove it in a panic for a few miles home. The head gasket quotes I've gotten have been so close to just getting an engine have made it a wash, really. But I appreciate the support and the vote of confidence!

    On a car the most I've ever done was pads and rotors a few months ago on this car. I do like it, I just have no experience, I'm a YouTube mechanic, which is vaguely terrifying to my neighbors... I do have a scanner and can run codes and all that, and after nightmare experiences with VW (why did I keep buying them?!) I'm pretty good with a sledgehammer.

    Then again, maybe I should look into trying something like that myself. What am I gonna do, make it worse? Don't answer that!

    You would think with the dozens of Priora I see per day there would be more support here for them. I guess people are content to let dealerships rip them off! That shop down south from me seemed like the place to go locally (Toyoworks). I was impressed by the candor and honesty of Josh the guy who runs it when I spoke to him. No pressure, lots of options, straight shooter.

    If I were able to get another car, what does one do with a Prius with the ABS situation and a blown head gasket? I guess I could fill it with head gasket sealant or cement or something and take it to AutoNation! Just kidding (I think- my brother in law briefly worked for them but quit because they were ridiculously shady)!

    I appreciate you all letting me vent here.

    O C
    Hollywood, FL
  8. ASRDogman

    ASRDogman Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    2010 Prius
    NEVER do the fake head gasket sealer, it doesn’t work. It only makes things worse.
    You could pull the head, take it to a machine shop and they can check if the head is warped.
    If not, clean it up, replace the head gasket, put it all back together.
    And if it’s bad, at least you know it. It only costs you some time…

    Getting a used engine is a huge risk. If the place will warranty it when it fails, and will put another
    one in at not coast to you, it “might” be worth the gamble.

    omuomu likes this.
  9. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    If you stick with that engine, do the head gasket, be sure to get the EGR cleaned too. Including the intake manifold (has EGR passages. With your miles a head gasket replacement may well be viable.

    In your shoes I’d likely do the pilgrimage to Tampa, book a day or two at a motel, whatever it takes.

    How’s the oil consumption btw?

    have a look at my signature for various relevant links. Last one is the full engine section. (On a phone turn it landscape to see signatures).
    Merkey and omuomu like this.
  10. omuomu

    omuomu New Member

    Jan 30, 2025
    2012 Prius

    I appreciate it the advice. Luckily, I have friends in Tampa who I go and stay with. Either way, if I don't get my own motor I would probably go up there for it. That way, should my car be hit by a meteor (it's that kinda year), at least I'm at a trusted Prius dealership and I can trade in a kidney for whatever they have...!

    In my old TDI Beetle (timing belt broke, had it fixed, engine made it to around 225K miles before the rest of the car just finished falling apart), the car stopped running and that's when I learned what an EGR was. So I do know the importance of keeping them clean, I just didn't know the Prius had one!

    I never had a problem with burning oil or anything like that, it was an all of a sudden thing. I was at a gig about an hour and a half away when I got the call about what happened to Charlie the Car, as I had taken the wife's Prius due to my brake issue (I just reset the ABS using the paper clip method and it's good for a number of miles and she wasn't very far), so I wasn't aware of what exactly had happened (didn't know enough about the issue to suspect the head gasket).

    Next morning, I get up, and check the oil. Well, I would've checked the oil if there was any. So thinking that somehow all the oil had possibly disappeared over the last few days, I just grabbed some synthetic and refilled it, figuring I'd start the car and listen and grab the codes off of it.

    Started it up, was a-ok, because it was in hybrid mode, grabbed the codes and then... the engine started. It sounded like a helicopter. Or several helicopters. Several poorly tuned helicopters.

    Quickly shut it off, went for a look, opened the hood and that's when I noticed the coolant was down. Take a look underneath, and hey, there's that oil I just put in! All over the driveway. Figured if I jacked it up later I'd find a hole in my engine but there actually wasn't, and now i suspect that the oil came from somewhere up top somehow? I don't know- it's just because there was oil in weird places. See, I told you I'm not a mechanic! I watched a video on how to do the head gasket and I was moved to tears. Ok, maybe not moved, maybe I was just crying. One scary film!

    So yeah, just debating with myself over what to do. I am emotionally attached to the car, if it didn't already show, but also I would have just enough for an engine swap or gasket (same price, basically), or to sell something of consequence and try to save up, or take out the 34 cents I have in a retirement account and get another one. Here's a weird thing, coincidentally, every car I've ever owned, since my first, has been dark blue with a grey interior. It's just worked out that way...! But I would definitely get one from Tampa cause they have all the work already done (new boosters, batteries, head gaskets) in their listings.

    TL;DR: Waiting for Apophis/the ISS/Skylab to slam into my car.

    O C

    PS Excellent links Mendel! That spin-on thing is cool.
    PPS "I'll you back in five minutes" still hasn't called me back after I heard the fear in his voice, so I will out them now as Exclusively Hybrid in Lake Park.
    Mendel Leisk likes this.
  11. omuomu

    omuomu New Member

    Jan 30, 2025
    2012 Prius
    As an aside, I remembered the garage near my house when I was growing up, looked it up, and lo and behold, it's still in business. Extra shock when I went to the site and it had all sorts of hybrid-specific things. Just fired off an email, fingers crossed!

    O C
  12. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    That strengthens the case for just doing head gasket.

    If you're doing head gasket, since the head is off, it "might" be worthwhile to replace pistons/rings preemptively. A member here has done that without pulling the rest of the engine, separating it from the transaxle and lifting it out. Not sure if that any more efficient than full removal though. Either way: with a 2012 you've got the low tension piston rings, and somewhere around 150k miles the engines are prone to start going through oil, going from bad to worse.
    omuomu likes this.
  13. omuomu

    omuomu New Member

    Jan 30, 2025
    2012 Prius

    Hmmm, interesting. So the updated pistons are from 2015 on? Good to know. I know for my own peace of mind, that would be optimal. I know skimmilkhybrid's engine has updated rings and some other stuff, and is totally rebuilt. So I guess it depends on cost. I see everybody replaces the water pump as well.

    Well, that shop I mentioned (Green's Garage in Miami), wrote me back immediately, so gold star for that, and they mentioned that they do indeed do that work (with a two year warranty), they have Techstream for the brakes and are currently doing a head gasket on a Prius V right now. This place has always had a stellar reputation locally, they've been around since 1957, I just didn't think to check them because I had visions in my head of my dad taking his '67 Catalina there when I was a kid!

    One thing they mentioned is the possibility of damage to the catalytic converter. Hadn't thought of that possibility. If that were to be the case than that's all she wrote. I'm pretty good on my skateboard but it becomes an issue with groceries...

    Wish we had all the incentives the Californians apparently are able to get (for now).


    O C
    Mendel Leisk likes this.
  14. rjparker

    rjparker Tu Humilde Sirviente

    Jun 6, 2008
    Texas Hill Country
    2012 Prius v wagon
    Never had a problem with burning oil


    I am afraid the engine blew a hole out the side. See video

    The positive thing about that history (if true) is the cat should be good since the oil found its own path out of the engine.

    I would go with the replacement engine with a two year warranty. It would be best if it was a rebuilt with revised pistons and rings but you might have little choice at this point.

    Toyota is not going to change the brake booster after ten years. The original brake booster warranty was 3 years/36k miles so they think extending it to ten years is big of them.
    #14 rjparker, Feb 19, 2025
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2025
    omuomu likes this.
  15. omuomu

    omuomu New Member

    Jan 30, 2025
    2012 Prius

    Oh wow! Never even thought of that (I told you I don't know much)! That video is bonkers (technical term).

    You know you bring up a good point- it's true for as long as I've owned it, being a former VW owner (you see? I am traumatized!) The TDI wasn't so bad but I had the gas four first and even brand new the thing just drank oil like I drink espresso. And I'm of Cuban descent, so I don't have blood, it's all coffee in there. I did check the oil consistently and I'd even just gotten one of those little spigot aircraft metal oil pan caps to make oil changes easier. BUT! I am the second owner. I have decent records from the previous owner, and it seems like he did regular changes, but you never can be sure.

    I am certainly trying to do that if possible. Depending on price, I may have to go with Drew's rebuilt engine and the warranteed work, the local guy(s), or just tough it out with a JDM for 1100 and just start selling stuff and saving pennies til it blows the warp coil or whatever thing I didn't know it had. Which brings to mind I should really test the hybrid battery. Sheesh! I guess I should do that first thing tomorrow before I consider anything else. All this stress and personal things I forget the most basic things. I nearly put my glasses in the fridge twice this week.

    I had them, too- since they admitted that they sent the notices to the original owner whilst already having my info (and sending me things), it really looked like they were going to do it. I know of two people who got it fixed as late as mid-last year on Toyota's dime, it's absolutely arbitrary. But the thing is, it's a safety issue, a design flaw that hundred of unsuspecting people are going to experience when they buy a used Prius, so I feel I have to try to at least get the word out. But I hear you loud and clear.

    You guys have all been a big help, can't thank you enough. I have a much clearer picture of what's happening now. Thanks for listening. I'll keep you guys posted. I guess what I'm thinking is if I had to pay for the repairs or replace the car, I'd be getting another Prius anyway (with the fixes). So I look at it as replacing my car with a functioning version of my car, for less money. Wow, that's some insane logic. I did get a great deal on the car when I got it and it was flawless until now, I guess I should've done my due diligence and checked out what the known issues were. Or maybe I just do that to cars?! Maybe the red ones are better :)

    O C
    Mendel Leisk likes this.
  16. omuomu

    omuomu New Member

    Jan 30, 2025
    2012 Prius

    The Charlie Saga

    Spoke to the local garage. They were upfront and honest, and did not try to sell me on anything, and they knew what they were talking about.

    They were also really, really expensive. 185/hr. shop rate. 3700 to put in an engine I bring, far more if it's there's (with the guarantee). 3500 for the brake job, which is 1K more than I've been quoted. Ah, Miami prices, Miami... Vices? Sorry.

    Can't use Dr. Prius to test my battery cause I can't run the car without waking up the Midguard Serpent. I don't know if those two shops (TampaHybrids and Toyoworks) would put in an engine I bring, so I have to find out, but at this point I'm pretty dejected. I'm looking at at least 6.5K+tax to fix a 13 year old car. So jealous of California buying incentives...!!!

    Time to get an extra paper route or sell seeds or something.

    O C
  17. rjparker

    rjparker Tu Humilde Sirviente

    Jun 6, 2008
    Texas Hill Country
    2012 Prius v wagon
    Given your financial situation you might want to find a small immigrant owned shop, ideally with some Prius experience (but not essential) that has a lift and a good set of tools to swap in a JDM engine. Swapping a Prius engine is not really too much different than a standard Corolla. If they have done a Prius swap once or twice that would be best.

    The brake booster is different since you really need a new one and the installer needs specific experience and a capable scanner to succeed.

    If you were in south Texas I know a guy. There must be one like him down there as well. Calling and emailing busy shops never works. You have to find some leads and go visit face to face. Finally a good value shop will be backlogged. If they are not booked up and offer a good price walk away. If they want to install a junk yard engine, run away.
    omuomu likes this.
  18. omuomu

    omuomu New Member

    Jan 30, 2025
    2012 Prius

    Yeah good advice. I do speak native-level Spanish so I could handle myself ok there. Luckily, we work at home so I'm free to use the wife's car somewhat. The brake booster low quote I've gotten is 2500 and high (insanity excluded) just a little bit more. I don't really know many Car Guys down here, so I'm gonna have to do more sleuthing. There's actually a hybrid place not five minutes from me (Ish Hybrids), but the reviews have made me really wary of them. I guess it may be worth a shot, but I'm very short on trust when it comes to cars.

    If not, the choice is 6500+ for a fix, or use that money for a replacement (no financing, so it would have to be very close to that price). Time to sell some gear. Gonna go see what Tampa Hybrids has on their site. Their prices are higher, but at least the update work is done and listed. If not, I'd be getting something else. What, I don't know. Maybe a Big Wheel.

    Hey, kids, don't be a recording engineer!

    O C
  19. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    Someone posted here lately, that place made a hash of their car.
    omuomu likes this.
  20. omuomu

    omuomu New Member

    Jan 30, 2025
    2012 Prius
    Thinking about chucking this whole idea, maybe I'm just super down today. However, a sibling has pledged to help (we always do, it's whether we're able to or not) if I'm going to replace the car.

    I know this thread has a different focus, but I feel like this is an excellent group of people to ask. I've gone through all the forums (fora!) as much as time allowed, and the consensus seems to be to avoid Gen III. With that in mind, I now have around 10K of buying power, which isn't very much. So... do I still buy a Gen III if the standard issues have already been addressed (booster, battery, headgasket)? What about the V? Gen II too old/small? Wish I could afford a Gen IV, my wife's is great, as is my sister's (2017 and 2019, respectively). It's gotta be a hatch (I need some room for music gear), and I have serious trust issues with non-Toyotas (which makes no sense, I know that!). I see that Tampa Hybrids always mentions the work done, so I would go there, even though it's 4.5 hours away. Maybe getting a 2015 Gen. III since that seems to have revisions? I've also seen several Gen III Plug-ins for sale. Which of course I'm suspicious of. Because, me.

    I apologize if I seem overly cautious or just plain silly, I literally have no-one to talk to about this subject, as none of my friends know anything about cars other than what color theirs is (and sometimes I wonder about that). Sometimes when I see someone I know I check their oil because I don't believe them when they say they do... oh, the irony! Not that I know much (remotely) compared to you guys... but VW taught me a few things and now I have PTVWSD.


    O C