Installing a CD Changer (not in the dash?)

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by nathanielhierseman, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. nathanielhierseman

    nathanielhierseman New Member

    Aug 31, 2004
    I am new here, obviously. I have combed through several pages and the only thing I can find for installing cd changers is ones that you mount in the dash. Aren't there any cd changers that can be mounted in the trunk, or under the front seat that will still communicate with the LCD screen?

    I would even be ok if it did not communicate with the screen. I am just looking for some information for installing a cd changer that will work. Can anyone point me to some good information on this?

    Thanks very much
  2. nathanielhierseman

    nathanielhierseman New Member

    Aug 31, 2004
    Nobody knows how to do this? How suckypants.
  3. DigitalBeach

    DigitalBeach New Member

    Aug 31, 2004
    Preface: I am just looking into this sort of thing myself but from the info I gathered...

    The standard radio (non-changer) has a changer input port on the back. This conforms to the CD changer standard cable many manufacturers support. The after market in-dash changers all use this as do many trunk mounts. To install somewhere other than the dash you would need to get the AV-LAN wiring harness just like the in-dash model (TMC Part # 08695-00370). The adapts from the AV-LAN to the CD changer plug.

    Now for the do it yourself at your own risk stuff.

    To mount somewhere else, you would need a long CD changer cable and run it yourself wherever you want it as I understand there is no trunk access to this bus. The wire should carry that far since that was the intent of that cable. So run it along the carpet or something. Connect a compatible CD changer to it and bingo.

    A decent car stereo shop that sells changers should be able to help out. The wiring diagrams and installation instructions for a cd changer are available from Toyota online.

    Of course other technical problems may make it not possible but should be fine.