just as long as China doesn't stop ya'lls grants. But...I'm guessing you're not allowed to discuss publicly such things.
Overview: USA National Science Foundation funded research totaling $USD 8.49 billion in 2021, of which $USD 819 million (9.6%) went to biological research. Environmental biology grant funding rate was 24%. China National Science Foundation funded research totaling 31.2 billion yuan (equivalent to $USD 4.84 billion) in 2021, of which $USD 270 million (5.6%) went to biological research. In more recent years, research funding has increased more rapidly in China than USA, so this ‘gap’ is closing overall. Biology grant funding rate was 21%. Details: Over time I have been involved with successful and unsuccessful research proposals in both places. USA NSF proposals need to be much more lengthy. Both require justifications in terms of benefits to society beyond ‘we will learn new interesting things’ and ‘we will publish research’. Neither asks for or expects justifications in terms of benefits to the respective ruling governments. That would not be science. A notable difference between these proposal-review systems is that in USA, reviews rejecting NSF proposals always provide constructive criticism/suggestions on how to improve proposals (for future), while in China those are not provided. I see this as incomplete use of proposal reviewers’ expertise here, and a bit of a fail in the overall process. I have participated some NSF proposal reviews in USA, but have never been asked to in China. An N=1 thing with nothing more implied. Stopping research grants from either country would be exceptional; could happen if some promised ‘deliverables’ were not delivered I guess. There is now a whiff that USA NSF grants could be stopped if a new ideology is not adhered to. Find for yourselves concerns that USA NSF grantees may be feeling about that. If more revelations are desired, please be specific and I will consider them.
National Nature Assessment After Trump killed a report on nature, researchers push ahead with release - Ars Technica
Reminds me of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home: Filipino scientists make aluminum transparent | EurekAlert!
Coal and other components of energy production in China: When coal won’t step aside: The challenge of scaling clean energy in China – Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air with link there to download full report. TL;DR new coal plants are growing faster than rest of world. OTOH, solar and wind are increasing faster than coal. I was surprised that old-coal-plant retirements have been so much less than new construction.
I did not know that arsenic was used in taxidermy: Tigers, zebras and other stuffed animals will get new homes after health concerns kept them hidden and from that link "© 2025 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission." So I'm treading on thin ice here. Or pirating. But ice and pirates don't go together so my metaphors are failing. == Let's just say you are hands-on with taxidermy. Collect some hair clippings and take to a university laboratory that has analytical equipment sensitive to arsenic (As). They might first ask for money, but this might be first step towards preparing publishable research on As exposure. You might get a pro bono. Somebody probably will ... == Most human exposure to As comes from contaminated groundwater. Next may be eating 'the wrong' rice. Taxidermists and museum-visitors exposure is to me a new thing. I already said that.
Continuing the subject of rice, this is new: Gene-edited rice can produce a compound that's vital for human health You need some CoQ10. If you take Simvastatin (TM) or other cholesterol-metabolism-blocking drugs, you may need more CoQ10. There are pills providing that, but they cost much more than rice == An earlier nutrition by gene editing was done in rice, and my faulty memory indicates it has not been discussed here. Golden rice contains high concentration of vitamin A; achieved by genetic modification: Golden rice | Description, GMO, Genetic Engineering, Controversy, History, & Facts | Britannica It may have been the first attempt to 'GMO' crops and it has not done well. The new CoQ10 thing may also face headwinds.
Just wondering. If good elements such as CoQ10 remain, once rice is fermented. Tried my hand at making rice wine last year. Boy, that was a gallon that I almost threw out - due to low quality compared to some of great brands out there. Operative word 'almost'. Had great results with raisins, cherries, grapes, even peaches. Rice? Not so much. .
The Ice Pirates - Wikipedia The township was exceeding arsenic limits, and needed to install new equipment. Though the exceeding might have been more lowering to old limit. Contaminated could be too strong a term. The natural arsenic levels can get more concentrated with water level dropping in a well.
Arsenic remediation in water can be done by filtration through rusty iron. I don't remember if we have talked about that. Arsenic is bad enough so that if one's well water is foul, this DIY should be verified by chemical analyses. Seek data. Beyond what your 5 senses can tell you
Ecosystem engineers is the engaging description of these: Animals as architects of the earth: first glo | EurekAlert! And this is not the first summary of these. But authors got into PNAS, so good on them. I would add that plants also 'engineer'. Plant roots and their associated fungi break rocks to small bits, first step in creating soils. Rivers in flat land wander all over the place, but trees (roots) on margins constrain rivers to channels. Engineering has ~400 million year history on earth. Humans began as ecosystem engineers by burning forests maybe 50 thousand years ago. Did our long-departed sister/brother homonid species burn before? It may never be known.
I'll use steel wool in aquarium filters for phosphate removal; rust + soluable phosphate = insoluable phosphate that drops out of the water column. At the tap level, there are one or two commercially available filters USF certified for arsenic removal. Reverse osmosis is another option.