Have an '06 with about 250-260k (combimeter was out for a long while). A few days ago when I start car and put in park I've noticed a slight lurch / bump that happens every couple seconds. It'll be a few seconds, boom, then again every 3-5 seconds. Could it be early failure of ignition coil which I've had before? Any other possibilities? It's not at all like the typical lurch that happens when the ICE switches on while car in park. It happens every few seconds and not nearly as strong. Another weird issue if anyone has experience: battery is frequently charging to full green, but then car feels heavy in spite of full charge. MPG is mid 30s lower than should be. Hybrid battery is definitely on its way out just haven't had that symptom yet.
Soldering a replacement capacitor on your combination meter to get it working is the first step. That particular problem creates all kinds of other symptoms and you need to get that fixed to diagnose any symptoms that occur beyond that.