Simple question for any mechanic who uses that scanner on Toyotas. My friend has one and will let me use it, but he said he has never done the brake bleeding procedure on a Prius. I wouldn't want to get started and then find out it doesn't work.
Well you'd probably have to have the scanner in your hand and open up the Toyota menu and then see if you can find the service menu for the brakes I use quite a few scanners I don't have a Mac personally but that should be able to be looked up I would think pretty quickly I don't know how new the scanner is or any of that I mean I can look it up I think but I guess if you're using it for free shouldn't matter you should be able to put your hands on it and then turn it on and open it up and have a look and if not just snatch up an AP200 before they all gone and that should handle your brake bleeding procedure no problem I use mine all the time I don't even get the Toyota software off the shelf much anymore and any day now regular car scanner software will probably be able to bleed the brakes apparently now all the scanner people that manufacturers have access to this type of thing without any or much cost or something because all of a sudden every Tom dick and Harry company is being able to do this so something happened I don't know what.
Just the quick read I just looked at I'm going to I'm going to say probably so it also looks like something that's made by one of the many China factories kind of has that a u t e l vibe.
Have you got air in one or both of the two brake components on the firewall, or you're just doing a brake fluid replacment? If the latter, there's no need for specialized equipment, there is a proscribed brake fluid replacement procedure in the Toyota Repair Manual, without the need for Techstream. I've done that a couple of times now, no problems. More info in my signature (on a phone turn it landscape to see signatures). Addendum: there's a video mentioned (in the link in my signature), but looks like I've neglected to link it. This is it: (I've asked the moderator to add that)
I wish it was as simple as air in the line. No, I have the dreaded pump running every 15 seconds. I already have the new actuator.