I couldn’t find any info for the gen 4, so I trial and errored my way there. It’s a nice option to have, especially when you just spent the night sleeping in the back and you want to get out now. 2017 Prius 2 was the test subject here. 1. Pull off the rear hatch interior trim (a series of pins hold it on). There is a slot for a trim tool and after that I would pull firmly and with purpose. 2. Once removed locate the plug just to the left of the center in the top open section. (See red circle in photo) 3. Tap into the white and black striped as well as the red wire with similar gauge wires. Leave the grey one alone. At this point you can touch the free ends of the tapped wires together and if the car is unlocked, you should hear it actuate the latch release and be able to push the hatch open. (See green circle in photo) 4. Figure out where you are going to run the wires through and drill an appropriate sized hole for your button. I chose the small removable panel that gets you to the manual release. Leave plenty of slack for next time when you rip the trim off but forget there are wires connected. It’s nice to have it low and on the hatch itself so you can perhaps open it with a toe as well as push out at the same time to open that hatch. (Photo) 5. Mount your button and attach your wires. Tape, insulate, zip tie. Put everything back together and viola, never feel trapped in the back again. Here is the button I used: Ulincos® Momentary Push Button Any momentary button you like should work fine. There are covers available for various diameter buttons as well if you are concerned about accidental actuation. I keep my doors locked while driving, you can’t open the hatch on mine if the doors are locked anyway. If your smart key does allow you to open the hatch when locked (touch sensor) 1) these instructions might not be for you and 2) even if locked it’s possible if something hit the button just right it could open on you at a bad time. Think about a cover?
Thanks I appreciate that. This is my first Prius, new owner as of a month ago and my first post here on Priuschat. I have some other projects I hope to post later on.
thank you for this. Its every rideshare driver's* dream. Now riders who aren't very bright can stop breaking-off the expensive liftgate trim trying to lift it before finding the release button above the license plate. * driving a car without this feature from the factory
for anyone less technically inclined there is a plug-and-play option available now. https://black.jmyntrn.com/2023/06/01/2016-2022-toyota-prius-trunk-hatch-inside-release-push-button-kit/?utm_source=web&utm_campaign=priusCHAT&utm_medium=BJNsite
Do you have it for sale? I didn’t see a purchase link. Honestly I’m surprised that Toyota doesn’t offer an option to open from the inside.
are you sure? i just clicked this.. all good. 2016-2022 Toyota Prius Trunk Hatch Inside Release Push Button Kit - black_jmyntrn
(didn't try Instagram, but the other two...). Both links give the following... Interested in possibly purchasing the latch kit (toying w/the idea of creating a button from scratch.)
that is sooo interesting.. would you mind telling me your service provider and location? I want to raise this to the server company I host with as... that shouldn't happen... i legit checked through three separate internet lines and all showed online from my end. what generation do you have? I can have one go out today Friday if youd like...