So yesterday i popped open my hood right after about a 2 hour long drive just to check everything out, i do this about every week but this time i heard a noise coming from what sounded like around the bottom of the engine bay and it sounded like metal grinding. (car was completely shut off) I sent a video of the noise to a friend and he said it sounds like a rock is stuck around my oil pan or something like that. This would make sense because 2 days prior i ran over a curb with sharp rocks on it. I’m just asking here because my friend doesn’t know abt priuses like y’all do. Can anyone help me out and possibly let me know what this noise could be please!
So your engine compartment was making a metal grinding sound from the bottom and car was entirely turned off? And the car wasn't moving in any way? And your friend said it sounded like a rock is stuck? None of this makes any sense? Unless of course your friend sells remote control rocks and he was doing something with one in your engine compartment and it got stuck? I'm so confused?
yea tell me about it, i showed my stepdad the video who’s more knowledgeable on cars and he has no clue, he just kept asking me if i was sure the car was off and i am very sure because the literal power cord from the fuse box was unplugged. can only hear it with the hood open but i went back about 20 mins later and the sound was gone, still haven’t heard it since.