... no end in sight, staggering losses continue to mount, on Ford's Greta Thundberg toaster-oven specials: Ford Recalls Thousands of Electric Vehicles After Dangerous Defect Is Discovered | The Gateway Pundit | by Bryan Chai, The Western Journal Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
A defect in the assembly of the suspension. Not associated with the design being electric. Could happen on any assembly line to any manufacturer with any engine design. Worker or tool failure, not a design flaw. So get facts before you post your anti-EV provocations.
“Owners will be notified by mail and instructed to take their vehicle to a Ford or Lincoln dealer to inspect the torque of the left and right upper control arm ball joint nut,” the recall stated. “If the torque inspection passes, dealers will replace the nut. If the torque inspection fails, dealers will replace the knuckle and nut. “There will be no charge for this service.
I think every carmaker has its lemons. I've never seen one surpass the others. My dad hated Fords, not for quality issues, but it was because when he was a kid, the family Car was a Model T, and he always wanted a Chev, because the Model T was underpowered by that time in the 1930s, and he was embarrassed by it.
There's a difference between a manufacturer defect and an engineering flaw. -just sayin' An OEM cannot help but admit that maybe they should spend a few more bucks in Q/A when they're forced to employ union labor - when cars and trucks start failing in service. HOWEVER (comma!!!!) INTEGRIDY is quickly demonstrated when an OBVIOUS engineering failure is demonstrated 'in the field.' -lookin' at YOU.....Toyota!
... snicker, snicker! Heh-heh: Ford lost nearly $49,000 on each electric vehicle it sold in 2024 | Just The News Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
It seems to be a game that auto executives play. They reduce the quality to see how much they can get away with, it looks like.
Same accounting trick that said Toyota lost money on the Prius, GM on the Volt, and Tesla on everything.
I was once friends with the daughter of a design engineer who worked for GM. If you think his job was as straightforward as designing reliable components, that was rarely the case. Internal politics and planned obsolescence were always present, but never provable. That's why they existed.
Planned obsolescence is a thing!!! I'm reminded of this every time I try to expand the memory in my iphone.....
F-ix O-r R-epair D-aily But you can't, they engineered repairs out of existence. Throw it away and buy a new one.
Yes. My F-I-L left me a JD D160 garden tractor. It runs like a deer. For 5 minutes. Then it runs like a Deere. Meaning it won't even go up a slight incline. The hydrostatic trans bogs down. Many online complaints and Deere won't stand behind it. A new trans aint worth it.