I have a 2010 Prius. I mounted the hitch for a trailer. I bought a 3 wire to 2 wire adapter. Now I need to connect the adapter to the car. I bought a universal adapter and I need to use splices to connect it. Is there a place where I can reach the wires in the car with enough slack to attach the splices? Or, is there a place where I can buy only the T-connectors (without the adapter) that come with adapters specific to Gen 3 Priuses?
Usually you buy the key connectors with the adapters for the Toyota I saw it anyway If you buy the right adapter which it sounds like you already have it should have the wires coming out of it and you owe me generally have to go to one side of the car pick up the break and the tail light signal and then for your turn signal you pick up the one on the right and you should see the wire for the left side on the same side you're on to if I'm not mistaken once they're all side saddled in and plug in your converter tail light converter box and if you have a decent one usually it'll have a light on it not a light up green if you wired everything correctly this is without the trailer plugged up
Unfortunately, I did not buy the custom adapter.There are no custom adapters on ebay. I bought the universal adapter that comes with splices. I must splice the ends of the wires of the adapter to the stop light, turn signals and tail lights to the wiring harness of the car. So, where can I find a section of wire harness that I can splice into? If I remove the side covers in the rear, will I find them there?
I cannot believe somebody that's done this hasn't chimed in I have not wired this personally to any of my generation twos yet simply because of a time factor I have the devices here like you have the universal that's what I'm using the Reese top of the line universal rectangular trailer light separator with the built-in something another that won't let it go back to the car and mess anything up if the trailer screws up or vice versa to me it looks like if you just take the covers off the inside of your back hatch area that exposed the place where you put in your tail light bulbs that's where you access your brakes stop and turn signals wiring and then over on the other side is the same wiring but a different turn signal wire because it's the other side of the car but I think that moves from right to left or else it's the other way around you'll have to look I'll have to go out and look but you on one side of the car you can get to both turn signal wires so you have your left and right turns and then you access the brake light wire on the one side and it lights them both on the trailer and so on I believe for our generation twos one of the major manufacturers might be Reese makes a get up that plugs your tail light plug into the harness and then the harness plugs into your tail light and as a crossover piece of wire that runs under the trim that goes to the other side and does the same thing You remove the plug from the tail light plug it into the harness plug the harness into the tail light and that's that or you can do what we're doing here with the universal. You just have to know what the left and right turn signal wire colors are and the brake wire and that's it you just t tap onto those and you should be good if you're interested area wrap it with good rubber 3M electrical tape not the vinyl crap.
I wen to the Toyota dealer and he reinstalled the spring for free. The 1st tech could not do it. The 2nd guy looked it up on his computer and finally got it in. See image
No I don't think you can piece meal it together You can't buy the t connector tie-ins from that manufacturer without buying the trailer light adapter assembly kind of makes sense doesn't it All you need is a picture of somebody else with the trailer adapter connected and look at the wires That's what they would be sending you a picture of You want a splice your green your yellow and whatever and all those things that are marked trailer brake tail like they are in the picture I don't remember all the colors right now You wouldn't even want to know how I have mine hooked up and I wouldn't tell you because it's not correct It's just the way I do it when I have a bunch of cars they are RF type so I'm not tied into the cars electrical system at the moment because my trailer goes between three different vehicles very regularly for all of them to have wiring and all of that is well can be costly If this is something you really need or want or whatever most of my towings in the daytime no lights required My trailer is below my tail lights on my car if the loads kept centered you can see the tail lights on my car all the time no matter what's in the trailer in North Carolina you only have to be lit after dusk and technically you don't even have to have brake lights on the trailer it just has to be lit.