I got about 979 incorrect codes on my obd. They were all wrong. '05 Prius I just replaced some cells on. I didn't have the case bolted to the chassis with more than one bolt. (very bad chassis ground on the 12v battery). This caused a deluge of erroneous codes. The HV batteries need the 12v and ground to perform certain needed tasks Make sure that your 12v is in good shape and that it's body ground includes the HV battery casing. Otherwise you will be chasing codes for nothing. I needed 2 bolts from the case to the body to eradicate all the codes. I was chasing my tale. You've been warned.
Sorry to hear that. The very first thing Toyota service manual troubleshooting guide states is to check the 12V battery and connections. Sorry you had to learn this the hard way........ BTW a ground strap on that single bolt would've did the trick, if it was tightened down with good conduction.
Yes... Had to learn that lesson the hard way as well. I've found the best way to do HV chssis to ground is to pre-thread all the bolts that hold the pack in place. Then if the car starts up and doesn't have error codes I tighen all those bolts down.