I had the oil tested by a professional laboratory (oil had 12,000km /7,500 miles), We used the remote start over a period of 60 days on cold days when temperature at -5 to -10C (14-23F). The test showed a 5% ratio of fuel in the oil, an engine killer! I stopped using that feature . This link supports explains the issue well. 2024 Prius AWD-e with 28,000km total. I am having vehicle checked for fuel leak (in case), will re-test oil soon and update. I will no longer follow the factory recommended 16,000km oil change interval, it will be 8000km,
I live in the CO mtn where many mornings it's -20f. I park outside and I've always started, let it run for a minute or less then drive.
That's a nice promo video for the video you should post for this question. It says nothing about the question asked.
Does Toyota install block heaters in Ontario (OP’s location)? Pretty sure they do on the prairie provinces. I’ve been using one since eight o’clock day one with our 2010. 4~5 years back the first one (dealership installed) shorted out, right where the wire meets the heater element. Failed quickly, one puff of smoke and done. I replaced it myself, and no evidence of heat-transfer lube on heater element, none present and it looked completely clean, as in never was any lube. Anyway, continue to use it, preferably 2 hours before every cold start, more if extreme cold, well for us, on west coast. https://bobistheoilguy.com/forums/threads/toyota-considers-block-heater-mandatory-in-certain-areas.379485/
Everything is known in comparison. For an objective assessment there should be a video with similar oil, similar starts in a period of 60 days at low air temperature and "hot" engine start method.