... EXTRA-EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Ford Motor Company people got you a brand new sissy-car! New democrat-mobile, right up your alley: Ford Capri (2024 - ) review | AutoTrader Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
Are 'gay' cars supposed to be....'bad' cars? Not my fight per-se and Lord Knows that the Alphabet Mafia can take ca I looked at the ad photos and if you pull the blue ovals off of it it looks about the same as any other uninspired fwd 5pax jellybean shaped car. It even has wheels that are big enough to avoid the Prius "Dolphin on roller-skates" look.......from the 20-teens. meh. Most gay men I know drive trucks, and jeeps decked out in pink accents seem to be the new hotness for the lipstick lesbians.......