Just completed replacing the head gasket on daughter's 2013 Prius Hybrid with 178k mi. Engine will not turn over, and getting the CHECK HYBRID SYSTEM PULL OVER TO SAFE PLACE message. Any ideas of where to start looking?
Are there any warning lights on the dash? Did you scan for trouble codes? Did you remove the orange safety plug from the hybrid battery when you worked on the engine?
Point may be moot now. Got the ICE to turn over and run, but smoking around exhaust manifold and the fresh oil and coolant I'd put in appear milky now so I suspect there was a crack in the No 4 cylinder wall to go along with the break in the head gasket between cyls 3 & 4. Gonna call it a night as too dark to get good visibility, but thanx for replying.
You worked with the engine, the battery is an unlikely cause of failure to start. It was enough to disconnect some electrical connector in the engine compartment and the attempt to start would fail. Can you describe in detail what happened after pressing the start button?
Did you complete all three steps when putting the Orange Safety Plug back into the Hybrid Battery? You'd be surprised at how many owners forget the last step of pushing the lock down. Insert the plug flip the locking lever back push the locking lever down