I'm not sure it is necessary: Federal employees get the "Fork" email - significant increase in unemployment Companies using Chinese material and products have massive sales tax increase Islamic countries turning down or off oil production Inability to keep offshore bases, territories, Alaska, and Hawaii China stops buying USA bonds Agriculture, construction, and meat processing labor shortage Bob Wilson
Always sad when Folks think that one side owa majority of the wrongdoing. Irony is that's what each side wants their gullible to do. Playing the naive for the fool.
I want to know who is going to process all these tariff collection payments. Lets cut the size of government and have things work by miracles. Just create an app for that. Lawyer's employment dreams come true. I know what my wife had to go through to get access to the Treasury's payments system when she was managing certain payments to the states. . I know what I had to go through to gain access to the IRS's audit criteria software as a contractor to make sure it would work on their new software. I knew a guy who worked with me who watched a government employee lose several billion dollars in government bonds by his incorrect action. (They were retrieved.) These aren't things to be trifled with. The government people who will accelerate their retirement are often the people with institutional knowledge that can recall the reasoning and cut the research time when a question or problem comes up because they have seen it before. Get those "un-elected bureaucrats" gone and your costs go up.
Elon may learn, actions, behavior and words have consequences If there is no one at the dock or port of entry I should be able to buy my favorite illegal Canadian exclusive car, drive through the port of entry without a passport or inspection. Pay the 25% tarriff and enjoy my new car
If you get a chance, watch the movie "A Beautiful Mind." I suspect Musk is repeating John Nash's descent into insanity. Worse, Musk has fallen into a world of the corrupt. Another variant, the movie "Rain Man." Bob Wilson
Should the Canadian tariffs go into effect and Tesla leaves Canada, Canadians will likely drive them across the border to get rid of them. That would further drive down the already crashing residual value of used EVs.
Noticed something kind of ironic. Plenty of things to like about the prius ... (& lots of other cars too) yet ever since Tesla began conquest sales .... watching some folks try their hardest to conjure up bad mojo in hopes to create 'followers' for their car &/or ideology. Who knew .... cancel culture could be employed here. Observing hate about a car company because of political differences &/or car favorites. We no longer own any of Tesla's stock or cars so we have no dog in the fight. Truth of the matter is, by vote, USA chose to stop/slow illegal immigration - even by being willing to have tariff wars as a stick against those who allow their countries to become a border sieve against countries that "shoulder" USA with tariffs themselves & enabling entrance of the good along w/ the dregs of other's societies (no immigration vetting). Boohoo, we'll have to return industry to USA. Boohoo we hope USA will slow cartel activity, terrorism etc. Every industry/company has downturns, sometimes very extreme. Even so - we are all free to be chicken little, & cry, "the Tesla sky is falling" ... in some peoples case - it's because it's their hope that their favorite/bestest car sales will be bolstered. Others hope to tie Tesla fails via cancellation ideology. What an irony ... that we CLAIM, that we treasure verbal discourse - while we try to evoke cancel culture. Is it any wonder why the vote went the way it did? Very wealthy Jack Dorsey promoted one ideology & canceled the other .... Musk, now branded a 'psychopath' by many fat, gender confused, globalist, arm chair therapist, brittle, green haired ideologists (in great part) - because he took over Twitter & allows better discourse? Destroy !! ... destroy !!! LOL (gettin' more popcorn for the drama)