I have a small (100 watts) sub in my 2015 prius and am looking to upgrade. I've done a lot of research and I came across the idea that some subs may draw too much power for the prius battery to handle. I was told by a rep that I should not go much past 300 RMS (depending on ohms as well). Does anyone have experience adding a sub and whether 400 RMS (for instance) is too much power?
When the car is ON the big hybrid battery tops off the little 12 volt battery. You should be good up to a 1,000 watts and 500rms. You also can always add a power capacitor to the 12 volt battery.
I had no idea what you meant but now I see it. Cool. I also see that you put the sub level knob in the slot under the Power On button. I'd noticed it before on my own car but wasn't sure if that is what it was for. I assume you ran the line down the driver's side? Was it easy to hide once you got to the dashboard area? Anyway, went ahead and bought a 400" 10" sub.
I paid to have this custom install done two days after taking delivery of the car...intentionally buying the base level II Prius. Lot of thought went into this...but I later removed the capacitor as it is not needed with a digital amp. Unfortunately I no longer have this car because I sold it to buy my Son's College Graduation Tacoma.