My friendly Prius salesman (who is probably reading this and laughing at me) offered me a 2004 Seaside #9 that was dropped by another customer. So here's the debate. He earlier told me that I would probably get a car with the mid-month allocation, which would make it a 2005. He said I would get the rebate, but I don't know if that's true or not (I didn't order with him before March 10 or whatever the date is). So the 2004 is cheaper than the 2005 if I don't get the rebate. But then there's the model year difference (even though there is no fundamental difference between the cars). I have to drive the car from Nashville back to TX, and won't be able to do that until mid-Sept (for the 2004) or mid to end of Oct (for the 2005). This whole thread might end up being a mute point--he has to check and make sure he can actually give the car to me. It might make my life easier if he can't (avoid decision-making at all costs ), but just in case, I'll take as much input as I can get.
My understanding of the rebate is that it's a coupon that comes directly to you from Toyota if you were in Toyota's database before the first price increase. If you don't have the coupon, you don't have the rebate. Unless this dealer is giving you his own "rebate." Otherwise, you pay $400 (???) more for the '05, and at trade-in time you have a one-year-newer car and presumably a slightly higher book value.
Hey! You may remember me from the post I made about this dealer and everything, which you replied to (plus the name). I actually got offered this one yesterday, but would have to go there immeadiately (work and vacation this weekend didn't permit me to). There's a part of me that thought whether I would take it or not, but I'll probably put a good 7-8 years on it, and by that time model years would mean little, plus I would get a Prius now! If I could, I probably would have taken it.
Having to be there immediately would be a deal-killer for me, I think. I definitely can't do the drive back for another two weeks. Matt, you were offered this car yesterday? Interesting... I believe Kevin said it was a customer of another salesman that dropped the car, which is why he had to figure out where I stood in the grand scheme of things (with respect to all the other Prius orders that weren't his). But didn't you place your order after me? The price difference would be $400 more for the 2005 (well, $402 when I subtract the two MSRP numbers he gave me, but I might have written the number down wrong). So that is the question--is it worth it to pay $400 more for potential higher resale value in 10 years? I know this question has been debated before, and it was generally agreed that model year matters less to older the car is. Also, how about the fact that the 2004 will have extremely low mileage for a 2004 at time of resale?
I kind of wonder if all that would be nearly a wash in 10 years. Would the issue more like be... This car is here now vs maybe one later? Also are you comfortable with the color? Personally I think that blue is very nice. Dan
My story I think I did place an order after you, but I guess I happened to call at the right time, I guess. He said the same thing, that it was a customer that had dropped the car. Sorry, maybe he was just saying it at the time because I was on the phone with him. Hope it helps- Matt
Take the car. Always take the car. In the thousands of posts that I've read here I have not seen one that said "Darnit, I wish I had waited." Start saving money now. Another Austin Prius owner is a good thing. If I had to guess, it's already too late, but good luck.
You know... As I was outside trying to get my car to start today for 1 1/2 hours, I really wished I had taken that prius....
Not really a big deal if he offered the car to you first, Matt. I could totally see that happening if you called at the right time. I actually haven't heard back from the dealership (I left a message when he hadn't gotten back to me after an hour or two). If the car is avaliable and they can wait for me to pick it up for a week or two, then I was going to take it. Alas, the fact that he didn't call me back is probably not a good sign, but not the end of the world--I'm pretty confident that I'll get to contribute to the Austin Prius population soon.
Get the car!!! BTW, I would guess there are lots of Austin Prius owners - hardly any here in Houston.
I got mine pretty early on. Ordered Nov, got it Jan. I considered waiting: on general theory I feel that it's risky to buy the first model year of anything. But then I reflected that waiting a year would mean one year less of my life enjoying this car. (I didn't know then that waiting a year would have meant waiting two years due to the lengthening wait period.) So I jumped in and got it, and I'm very happy I did. Get the car as soon as you can, assuming you are happy with the pkg and color. (I got exactly the pkg and color I wanted: blue "AM.")
Like Daniel, I worried about possible first model year problems. Unlike him, I stuck to my 'wait and see' plan so I will be waiting 1 to 2 years from the time I first thought seriously about getting one ;-) The fact that you can get an '04 now for $400 less than an '05 would be a deal maker. It won't make much difference in 8-10 years and what happens if they can't find that Tideland for you until Jan 1? Your tax deduction just decreased making it even more expensive then the '04. Given there is no change between model years, a "last month of production" '04 will have all the incremental fixes they have been making (those which early buyers have gone in to get upgraded). I want a Seaside BC but I'm not going all the way to TN for it. I'll wait.
Sorry about your car, Matt. Maybe it's the curse for turning down a Prius you really want--I hope it doesn't strike me down as well. There are some Austin Prius drivers... I see most of them around campus (and stare at them longingly as I walk by in the parking lot). I'm willing to take any color (though I do have preferences), package 7 or 9, so I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get a car in this fiscal year (for tax purposes) even if the current one doesn't work out. Do you really consider the 2004/2005 Prius the first model year for the Prius? I know it's very different than the classic, but I think of the 2004/2005 Prius as being the second model year for the Prius and the classic as being the first model year. I guess you could look at it either way. Doesn't change the fact that I am going to buy a 2004/2005 Prius
It is a redesign, 3rd generation. The first gen was only in Japan, the "classic" was gen 2. There are some major changes besides the body, all for the good. But with change comes the possibility for 'oops'. Not in the safety sense (although ALL Saturn Vue's are now under recall for a rear axle problem) but things frequently don't shake out with a few test cars and you really need a bunch of people driving vehicles in day to day living to find some of them. Some people have had a problem when water got to an engine relay, there is now an extra gasket. Most people have issues with the gas gauge and tank filling. There is now a set of replacement parts. That sort of thing. Overall, its the "If I knew then what I know now" thing. Nothing has been enough of a problem that I wouldn't order one last fall
I too got the HAPPY CALL that a 2004 Salsa #7 AM model is scheduled to be ready for me at the dealer in a few days. Ooh the dilemma, NOT! Think of that $400 dollar savings you will get buying the ‘04 rather than the’05 as a dealer incentive of free gas for the first 10,000 miles! If you plan on selling the car in the next year or two, then by all means wait. Otherwise, enjoy that first 10,0000 miles with a little larger grin than the ‘05 buyers. ($400 / $2 gallon x 50mpg = 10,000 miles)
Congrats on the car, Patrick! Dilemma about the user name though :mrgreen: Hm, but since I live in the land of TX (wohoo! well--only because I'm in Austin. sorry Joel, I don't think I could ever live in Houston), gas isn't quite $2/gallon yet (well, at least not the cheap stuff) so the $400 savings would be a whole lot more miles.
Unfortunately, the username will still apropos. Me being a work at home type, it makes more sense for my wife to use the Prius as a commute car. She has said many times that she would have been happy with another Corolla. Ack . . .but . . . but . . . Aaaaaggggghhh! . . . she just doesn’t get it MAN! :? :roll: :x “Is it safe and reliable? Will it get me from point A to B?†As far as she is concerned, it could even come with a perpetual motion motor in it - all she is cares about is . . . safe, reliable, A to B. Anything else is boyporn. “Boyporn". Noun. Yep, I’ll still be Sufferin’ Prius Envy every time she drives off to work - knowing my beloved Prii is with someone who couldn’t care less!
There's been discussion and perhaps some controversy over whether the plural of Prius should be Prius, Priuses, or Prii (I say there's no right or wrong, English being what it is you can take your pick). But you are the only one I've ever seen to consistently use "Prii" as the singular. Just an observation.