I took my 2020 Prius XLE to the dealership that i bought it from and where all of the maintenance has been done. My defroster was working. The heater was but i wasn't getting air from the front windshield vents. Also, when the car first started none of the HVAC controls worked...auto, rear defrost, etc. After 2-3 minutes they work again. I just got off the phone with the dealer who said the gear in the heater box are not turning and they can't be repaired meaning the box has to be replaced. The estimate was just over $5000! This seems insane to me and I'm spending nearly 20% of what i paid for the car so the defroster works. This dealership has been good to me and I've always trusted them. Folks who know this car...does that sound right? Any ideas on whether I have other options?
Check with autobeyours.com in southern Indiana if they can supply a salvaged heater box and do the repair. JeffD
Welcome cbuspat You have a blend door issue - the dampers in your heater box isn't working correctly. Unfortunately we have plastic gear and small motors that actuate the rotation of those doors. Rather than replace the plastic gears and motors, dealerships tend to swap out entire assembles. In your case the heater box. I'd be concerned about why the damper isn't turning. There's been reports of mice chewing their way into the HVAC system of these cars. I'd go someplace else for another estimate and check for mice infestation. Depending on where that gear and motor is located, you maybe able to swap that out first, rather than replacing the entire assembly. Good Luck....
It may still be a $2000-$3000 job even if you can get a used part and an independent shop to completely tear the dash apart. Dealers go by the Toyota repair manual which probably says replace the larger module. Sometimes smaller shops that specialize in auto ac or at least Toyotas may have workaround access methods and fixes. Unfortunately it is a 2020 and you could be on the leading edge of the problem.
When you see pictures of the interior with the dash opened up, it always looks like a bomb went off. Well, a very clean bomb.