What Do You Think (not for the faint of heart!!)

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by DaveinOlyWA, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    It sickens me to even think about this much less bring it up in this forum. but a heinous case of animal cruelty has recently come to trial nearby.

    The case involves two young men, one of whom is the son of the mayor of the small Pierce county town where this all happened. Apparently a stray Siberian Husky was seen wandering around town with no apparent owner. these two young men took it upon themselves to "put the dog down". So they took turns shooting the dog with a bow and arrow until the dog alledgedly died. Then they threw the body in the river and then bragged about the feat to their friends.

    when asked if they had done this by KING 5 news, they answered that they had and that the dog was a stray and therefore "expendable" they showed absolutely no remorse or emotion for what they did. ive seen more concern by people when killing flies.

    Well when the news came out, the two were arrested and charged with Felony animal cruelty. besides the cold callous attitude of the two towards animal suffering, the way the torture and execution of the dog was done was horrifying. as i mentioned, they killed the dog with a bow and arrow. They TOOK TURNS SHOOTING THE DOG WITH THE SAME ARROW, SHOOTING THE DOG AS MUCH AS TEN TIMES. witnesses pleaded with the two to stop, but they laughed and joked and called onlookers who cried "wimps, etc"

    My question to anyone is, if what i have presented here is true, what do you think a fair punishment would be for these two be?

    as i said, the case in currently in court with sentencing expected tommorrow or Friday.

    I am sorry if this story has offended anyone, but i feel that if injustices are not made public and social awareness raised, we become lax and accepting of increasingly reckless behavoir.
  2. jfschultz

    jfschultz Active Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Germantown, TN
    2020 Prius Prime
    Even though it would be greatly offensive to many of you on the left coast....

    The punishment should be about the same as that for a "doctor" who tears to pieces a baby whose only "crime" is living in America's most dangerous place, a mother's womb!

  3. Kacey Green

    Kacey Green Member

    Jun 3, 2004
    Gainesville, FL
    are you talking about an intentional or accidental abortion of an unborn child?
  4. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    uh, stepping aside of turning this into an abortion issue and actually answering the question at hand, I'd say 10 years in prison, no parole should do it. The true 'fair' judgement would be putting them to the same fate they put to the dog, but of course that's not possible. I figure they'd be bitches of someone or another for those 10 years, and that'd hopefully give them a taste of what they did.

  5. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    And the difference between this and hunting is???

    Oh, yes, game animals are put there by a loving God so we can kill them and put their heads on our walls as trophies, whereas dogs are "man's best friend."

    And of course people who eat meat and wear leather will say that what those jerks did was a lot worse than the slaughterhouse beause those animals were raised for the purpose of salughter, so nobody need be concerned about them, and they are killed "humanely," so we can pretend they don't really suffer at all.

    I don't mean to make light of cruelty. But I would ask anyone who's outraged by this whether they eat meat, wear leather, etc. Then there's all the cosmetics tested using the draize test. And the animals killed by our garbage and pollution...

    But I suppose we have to draw the line somewhere, so let's lock 'em up and throw away the key because their particular act of cruelty is not socially acceptable.
  6. mark_hamrick

    mark_hamrick New Member

    Aug 11, 2004
    Littleton, Colorado
    are you kidding me?

    The fact of the matter is that this type of cruelty is a red flag of worse behavior to come. It has been documented that people who torture and kill animals for "kicks" are more likely to take their aggression out on humans as well. I do not agree with hunting, but I do not think hunters enjoy inflicting pain on their prey. And though the correlation was lost on me, last time I checked women still have the right to have a safe abortion. And no, I do not live on the "left coast". :roll:
  7. HTMLSpinnr

    HTMLSpinnr Super Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2003
    Surprise, AZ (Phoenix)
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    When one hunts, they don't shoot the animal ten (10) times with the same arrow. When hunting, the kill is expected to be done in a semi-quick and humane way. A deer hunter using a hunting rifle will generally shoot the animal once, maybe twice if they can reload/rechaimber quickly, usually aiming for the heart. This usually results in a fairly quick death if the hunter's aim is accurate.

    However, referring to the OP - to take one arrow, and reuse it (pull it out because they "missed" the right "spot") crosses from hunting to inhumane. Shooting it once or twice would seem sad (with different arrows), however to shoot the dog 10 times, causing it additional pain each time is simply cruel in my opinion. To me that's like stabbing it with a pocket knife 10+ times and then taking pleasure in watching the animal die. They're something wrong with that - psychologically.

    As for abortion - yea, I suppose there's no difference there either - especially in partial-birth cases where (unless there's a serious health danger) that child could easily be taken and placed up for adoption. Ok - I went there :-P
  8. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    And with hunting, while I personally don't like it, while I'll personally never kill an animal for pleasure or sport - I can respect it IF - and only if - the person hunting uses the carcass to it's full ability.

    While I don't like it, people will want to do it for a long, long time. However, eventually we need to, as from a simply evolutionary standpoint, all become vegetarians eventually. I have a hard time eating any meat myself after watching a special on animal planet about a dog and a fish that are best friends and spend all day together and 'kiss' each other and so on.

    It's a bit naive, as daniel seems to imply, that dogs are one thing but cows are another. If I am to believe that dogs have souls, and I do, I cannot expect or assume cows do not simply because I consume them.

    What I really need to do is stop eating meat. Like I said, it's something our society as a whole needs to do in the future eventually.

  9. starla30

    starla30 New Member

    Jan 18, 2004
    Northampton MA, USA
    2004 Prius
    Speaking of consuming meat, a friend of mine visits Illinois often and he recently returned with an interesting statistic. If Americans stopped eating red meat and replaced all the feed corn that is grown in this country with sweet corn, we would be able to feed most of the underfed people in the world with corn. There's a hell of a lot of empty land used for farming and holding cows.
  10. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Do you realize that, if your idea of us all "needing" to become vegetarians came true that you would, in effect, be killing all the animals you wish to protect? If we stop eating meat who will maintain the herds of cattle...not the farmers as there's no market or profit left. They certainly can't survive in the wild--the're long domesticated and have no defensive instincts to speak of at all. They would wander about, creating a nusiance, getting hit by cars and getting killed, and killing those in the cars. They would suffer long suffering from starving to death or to be eaten by other animals who are wild.

    I've no problem with people who, as individuals, want to be vegetarian--your life, live it as you wish. But the world, the earth, nature is a violent place and to survive others must die. Sorry, yea it's a little sad, yea it would be great if we were all in heaven and nothing anywhere ever had to die or suffer or be hungry...but we're not.

    The alternatives to derive all essential amino acids from sources other than mean do exist, but to my palate they are not pleasant and not very diverse. Humans have eaten meat and it was a necessary staple from our very beginnings and in every society on earth...ever. To suggest that that should end is just ludicris. It's presumptuous to assume that we are evolving to become vegetarians just as it would be to assume we should all become pure carnivors. We're omnivors...we eat meat naturally along with plants. There is no reason to assume that that must or should change.

    I don't believe animals have souls any more than I believe humans have souls. I respect life for what it is. Each living thing will die...period. I believe evolution has put every species in a place that it is capable of best taking advantage of lower species and to be used or eaten by higher species. That does not, in any way, suggest that we can do whatever we want to anything for any reason. Being a higher species means that we have a duty to ourselves and to the lower species to not abuse or waste the resources they provide.

    The guys with the dog were wrong and sick and the death of that animal, the way it came about, was pointless and cruel. They should be punished, but it needs to be reasonable. I personally like the idea of a fine, a little prison time, make them work a full time job, and on their time off they have to donate 20 hours per week to an animal shelter feeding, caring for, cleaning up after, and humanely assisting in euthanizing the animals when necessary...make them do that for a 6 months or a year and maybe they'll learn something about animals.

    PLEASE let's not get off on the Abortion issue, it's just too contentious and there is no one here that will change their mind on the issue from any discussion that might occur here. At best we'll see an uglier side of ourselves and lose friendships. Let's just agree to let the issues be settled elsewhere.
  11. tcooper185

    tcooper185 Member

    Nov 29, 2003
    Rock Hill, SC
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The other difference, according to m-w.com, is in the definition. Merriam-Webster defines hunting as "to pursue for food or in sport, specifically : the pursuit of game". Dogs, at least in America, are not considered "game."

    They didn't hunt this dog; they found in in a common area of town. No self-respecting hunter, NRA member, or common redneck would shoot a deer or turkey in the middle of town. There is no sport to that, no hunt involved.

    I'd also throw at them the discharge of a weapon in city limits charge, since they supposedly shot the dog on the street. You can't fire a weapon at a soda can in city limits around here, much less at anything living.

    Is this Mayor up for re-election? If he/she is not, I think I'd also be invoking a California-style recall election on them, and have them removed as well. I've always been partial to the idea of running people out of town being chased by a mob of torch-welding citizens.

    My two cents...

  12. jaysjr

    jaysjr New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
    Ironton, MO
    I raise cattle for a living

    I find it interesting that non-farmers who are vegetarians for moral reasons don't really understand agriculture or the realities and ecology of producing food. You are animals, ergo you must kill. Whether a cow or a tomatoe has a soul cannot change that. Did you know that dog was a popular food for most Native Americans nations? Though not a fan or practioner of "factory farming" the reason the bulk of grain and legume crops is fed to livestock is to add value to those crops. A pound of steer is worth alot more than the seven pounds of corn it took to produce it. Look in your newspaper and see what the current price for a bushel of corn (56lbs.) is then go to your grocery store and see what a pound of hamburger costs. A pound of steer is certainly more nutritous for humans than the pounds of forage he eats. I could go on ... and on, but the central point is that as animals you have to kill. Why you kill and how is more a human concern, not a dog's or a cow's. I don't enjoy killing others, but I respect their lives.

    Later, Jay Shinkle at Iron Mountain, Missouri
  13. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    actually several pro hunting groups are among the people outraged by this act of pure cruelty.

    anyone who hunts knows a huge sense of pride and acomplishment is felt when a "clean" kill is made. to wound a deer and let is suffer more than is absolutely neccessary is totally and completely against every hunting creed that i have ever known.

    i have been on hunts before when a clean kill was not performed and we tracked the deer for miles in an effort to put the animal out of its misery. if you dont know, most deer when wounded are doomed to a slow death either by other animals or by starvation. a hunter spends hours tracking a wounded animal, not because its the only animal in the woods. its because its the hunters pride, self-worth, sense of decency and compassion driving them to finish what they started.

    the incident i described is not "sport" in even the most twisted of definitions. it is simply an act of sadistic cruelty that has no place in society as far as im concerned. it is obvious to me that these boys have serious mental problems and im afraid its only a matter of time before they move their attentions to human beings. it may be a battered wife, someone killed in a bar fight, abused children, or just some more poor unfortunate animals who get in the way.
  14. jrawles

    jrawles New Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Long Beach, California
    I agree, but there is more to this story. There always is.

    I agree with above:
    "the incident i described is not "sport" in even the most twisted of
    definitions. it is simply an act of sadistic cruelty that has no place in
    society as far as im concerned. it is obvious to me that these boys
    have serious mental problems and im afraid its only a matter of time
    before they move their attentions to human beings. it may be a
    battered wife, someone killed in a bar fight, abused children, or just
    some more poor unfortunate animals who get in the way.

    In addition to maximum jail time for animal cruelty, community service, and court ordered treatment, what happened to these kids in the first place? I suspect abuse and/or neglect in the past. This behavior did not appear out of nowhere. It has history that can be traced back. And, more importantly, it will progress if not treated and the longer it continues the harder it is to correct. Most perpetrators are victims first.

    Jody Rawles, M.D.
    Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
    UC Irvine College of Medicine
  15. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    While a "clean" kill may be considered less cruel than an "unclean" one, Dave's last post acknowledges that many animals killed by hunters suffer long, slow, agonizing deaths, fleeing in terror from their pursuers.

    There are two alternative ways to transition away from raising animals for meat: the more extreme humane way would be to allow them to live out their lives without breeding. The more "practical" (in the capitalist economic sense) would be to slaughter those that are already here but cease breeding them. And the only reason corn and legumes fetch such low prices is because we choose to live in an economic system where people without money are left to starve.

    These kids displayed an intensely anti-social streak, not because they were cruel (we are cruel all the time: failing to provide adequate medical care for the working poor is shamefully cruel! leaving human beings to freeze on the streets is cruel beyond imagining!) but because they so flagrantly disregarded the norms of society.

    But as far as "cruelty" goes, these kids were not much different than the rest of us. If we took a close look at the log in our own eye, we'd all hang our heads in shame.
  16. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Wow Daniel, I tend to agree with you on a lot of things, but we're diametrically opposite here (except that the kids were wrong). I don't believe I have that degree of cruelty in me at all.

    And now you propose extinction of a species as better than perpetuation for their designed purpose...hmmm.

    I don't think we're going to see eye to eye on this issue at all.
  17. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    I KNOW i dont have that level of cruelty in me.

    an update:

    both defendants were found guilty of first degree cruelty to animals. they will be sentenced Oct. 1

    although the defendants are young (19 and 21) both have extensive criminal records and will be held without bail until the sentencing.

    the sad thing here is the sentencing range runs from probation to one year in prison.

    i think an exceptional sentence is warranted here.
  18. V8Cobrakid

    V8Cobrakid Green Handyman

    Jun 6, 2004
    Park View, Los Angeles, CA. U.S.A
    2004 Prius
    So much fun when a post goes off topic.. or the topic travels a little

    Here in california, the punishment is a minimal 3 years in prison i believe. I've hear about a case of animal cruelty and inquired about it to animal rights activist. The person did not testify against him.. but if he did, the person would have faced prison for abusing two cats. The cats were still alive... but abused.

    Killing an animal for pleasure is sick and twisted. It's close to killing a human for fun... but humans walk on two feet and can talk.

    I grew up with one rule when it comes to hunting. If you kill it, you will eat it. I remember hunting quail with a pellet gun... mmm... quail taste good though. That's the only time i've killed anything though. Besides my hamster.. but that was an accident.. he was in his exercise ball and ran over the barricade i made and rolled down stairs.. i was very sad that day. especially when i waited the next 8 hours to see if he would live or not.. poor hamster.
  19. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    welll according to testimony of eyewitnesses, apparently the two were using the dog as target practice.

    they started by taking a shot a piece at about 25 feet. then continued taking turns shooting the dog, each time taking a few paces back before shooting.

    there were a group of teenagers that pleaded with the two to stop to no avail.
  20. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    If they were caught stealing in an Islamic country it would be, “off with the hand." I wonder what Islamic punishment would be dealt out to these two. Maybe blinding . . . because they did not see the beauty in God's creatures?