(damn, where's that link when you want it?) BULLETIN According to reliable sources, an accomodation has been reached between Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Democratic-Controlled Legislature, and California will soon announce it will assume the status of an independent nation. National Guard troops currently deployed at the U.S. border with Mexico are being recalled to the Sacramento area, and President George W. Bush has been notified. His reaction is a matter of intense speculation, but aides theorized Bush is too preoccupied with the U.S. war in Iraq to take immediate action. They also noted that no Republican Presidential candidate has won an electoral vote in the state since 1988. Corks were heard popping in state Assembly, Senate and nearby office buildings far into the night Friday, as department heads relished the thought of instantly being transformed into Cabinet officials. With the fifth largest economy in the world, officials said California will immediately demand a seat on the United Nations Security Council. Calls were not returned from the offices of Charlton Heston, the state's leading conservative Republican, who is afflicted with Alzheimer's disease. Nancy Reagan, wife of former President and California Governor Ronald Reagan, offered only a terse "Damn him!" when informed of the news. It was not immediately known if Mrs. Reagan was referring to Schwarzenegger, who is rumored to have groped the former First Lady at Venice Beach in the 70's. Schwarzenegger aides had no comment when asked if the governor had any plan to replace former Governor Jerry Brown, sworn in this week as the state's newly-elected Attorney General. Brown, who controls much of California's legal apparatus through his position and former judicial appointments, is thought to be the only person who might challenge the governor's decision to secede. Brown's office did not return calls, either. However, a Brown aide, reached by cell phone while driving home, speculated that Schwarzenegger simply became frustrated by his inability under the U.S. Constitution to run for President, and progress to amend the Constutution was too slow for him. "That guy always wants to be the biggest and the best," he stated. Does anyone else have information to add to this story? I can't locate the original Reuters link, and had to reproduce this from al-Jazeera, recently accredited in Sacramento.
Thank God. Finally, though it's about 6 years too late. I believe Jerry Brown is in full support of the secession and will take his rightful place next to the Gropenpheurer as the Vice President. I'm headed east to protect our borders, we can use my Prius as a generator!
Thank God! We'll have the budget balanced in a year, since our taxes won't be siphoned off to support the rest of the country. With any luck, we'll become another creditor, along with China, holding paper on the U.S. debt.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Salsawonder @ Jan 13 2007, 09:50 PM) [snapback]375342[/snapback]</div> I think Oregon and Washington State will eventually join us. We can rename the state "Ecotopia". (Look it up, give it a read.)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Jan 13 2007, 07:51 PM) [snapback]375345[/snapback]</div> That reminds me that we really would need to pick a better capitol, San Fransisco would be bad in case of an earthquake, LA just will not do. I think Berkely or San Diego would be best......if it was Humboldt we would probably never get anything done!
I decided to do a little online research of a comparison of Federal revenues by state and compare that to federal revenue sharing by state, and after a half hour of research all I could find was this information has been removed from the public domain as of 2006. I am obviously not making my searches in a manner acceptable to search engines. Naturally, considering the topic at hand I wanted to relate it to CA. I have always been under the impression that it's something like a net loss of about 15 billion to CA. I'd like to offer a link to prove it, but can't find the info. Can anyone help?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Salsawonder @ Jan 13 2007, 10:21 PM) [snapback]375358[/snapback]</div> Considering the recent spate of government corruption, San Diego would make a perfect Nation's Capitol.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ Jan 13 2007, 11:07 PM) [snapback]375377[/snapback]</div> Absolutely not. Jeb lives there.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Jan 13 2007, 08:32 PM) [snapback]375387[/snapback]</div> Godiva's right. Jeb, Jeb, Jeb = no, no, no! Then there is the issue of the 2000 election, Kathryn Harris...Oh, let's not forget Marc Foley! Thanks, but no thanks. We could eventually ask Mexico if they would like to (re)join us...think of the fabulous coastline!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(seeh2o @ Jan 14 2007, 02:14 AM) [snapback]375434[/snapback]</div> Maybe not all of Mexico. But I can see annexing all of Baja. Ah, coastline. Would we be approaching Peru or Alaska? Perhaps Hawaii would like to join us?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jack Kelly @ Jan 13 2007, 05:31 PM) [snapback]375315[/snapback]</div> The only “link†to this story is that of mental illness in anyone who contemplates it being true. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Salsawonder @ Jan 13 2007, 07:21 PM) [snapback]375358[/snapback]</div> A better location than the “Heart of California� Locations of California's Capitals: Monterey, 1777. - Alta and Baja California capital under Spanish and Mexican rule. [Statehood in 1850] San José, 1850. Vallejo, 1851. Benicia, 1853. Sacramento, 1854 - present. Move it again? Nah, they finally got it right on the fifth try. :lol: The Capitol stays put right here in Sacramento. [every once in a while, jealous little minds speak up. ]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Jan 13 2007, 07:42 PM) [snapback]375366[/snapback]</div> Sacramento or Washington DC aren't the problem. It's the elected slime which are sent there. Here in Sacramento, we consider ourselves a city first. What happens in the capitol building and state offices is not how we define ourselves. If you don't like the laws and politics which come out of Sacramento, elect better leaders. It's not the city's fault y'all send your slime here. Or are you saying San Diego would be a good choice because corruption runs deep there too? Yep, San Diego . . . . . . home turf of former Congressman Randy “Duke†Cunningham . . . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randy_%22Duke%22_Cunningham . . . home of “Strippergate†. . . http://www.klas-tv.com/Global/story.asp?S=3615546 . . . “Enron by the Sea†financial ruin . . . http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0720/p02s01-uspo.html . . . and a city which makes Florida's election problems mild by comparison . . . http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...2124EST0200.DTL Yeah, San Diego . . . great choice!
[attachmentid=6242] I think moving the capital to San Diego centralizes the center of the nation quite nicely. [attachmentid=6243] Of course, it will be a little south when Alaska decides to join us. Hm..how much oil will Ecotopia have with California and Alaska? (And we still won't drill Anwar.) Oh, look. Nevada has decided to pool it's resources and revenues with the new nation. [attachmentid=6244] Hmm. We must be doing very well. Western Canada has decided to secede and join us. (Oh, and Idaho too.)
Man I can't wait for the new country of "Ecotopia". We could then build a wall between it and The US like the escape from LA movie and just have 3 points of entry/exit. We would have to cut off their oil pipe line unless they wanted to pay for maint and up keep & for the oil (since they refuse to drill for it. They would also need away to secure their property if another country decides to invade "Ecotopia" to rape and pilliage because they will not go to war. They will need police with guns, or police that carry soft rubber billy clubs so if they hit you, it doesn't hurt. They could place prisoners in a building and pump Berry Manalow in at uncomfortable levels as punishment for breaking laws. :lol: They already have their own power plants.. I would agree with "Schmika" . No great loss would be felt as with many in the USA. So when do you all start the B)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Jan 14 2007, 03:16 AM) [snapback]375447[/snapback]</div> We might have a problem with the proposed location of the capital:
hah!! no way bush will let alaska go!! it will be another iraq!! i also think this is a ploy be cellphone companies to charge out of country roaming charges now that ca will no longer be part of the usa.. i can see it now... other restrictions aply, service not available in all areas, service charges subject to local tax laws based on location of mobile telephone number or where said phone is used, user is responsible for all usage whether authorized or unauthorized. all billing decisons are final!!</span>
I remember seeing this horrible film once... think it was called "The Last Chase". Briefly, the United States was hit by a plague of some sort, and to facilitate controlling the population, the federal government moved everyone left back to the original 13 colonies. For some reason, they also ban cars. It didn't make much sense at the time... still doesn't, but was integral to the plot. Anyway, the two main characters get an old race car and speed across the country toward the Free Republic of California. Along the way, they listen to broadcasts from Radio Free California, who apparently broadcast an anti-federalism signal deep into the United States. They're also chased by Burgess Meredith in an old jet fighter. I don't remember anything from that high school trigonometry course, but remember the details of this film. Kind of sad, isn't it? California seceding from the U.S. has been a rumor for years, States talking secession isn't all that new. The movement is somewhat popular in Vermont: http://www.vermontrepublic.org/ . In fact, in recent years, secessionists from around the nation have met, and in 2004 produced the "Middlebury Declaration": http://secession.net/declarations.html , which expresses displeasure with the Bush administration's current policies, and calls for a recognized right to secede. There are even websites on the net dedicated to Californial secession: http://calrepublic.tripod.com/ , and a WikiPedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_secession . Granted, anyone can put up a website, and all of this needs to be taken with a grain of salt, but it does make for interesting reading. Now, let's look at the practicalities. If California were to secede from the United States, it would lose representation in the United States Congress. Since both California senators are democrats, this would shift the balance of power in the Senate - 49 Democrats, 49 Republicans. In the house, California has 53 representatives - only 19 or those are Republican. Simply dropping 53 representatives doesn't change the balance of power, but does reset the numbers to a closer 199-183 (and get rid of Nancy Pelosi). I don't know how the congress would deal with the loss of 53 members... would they assign the lost seats to other states and keep the membership at 435? Probably so, but this might not be done immediately. California has 55 electoral votes - more than any other state in the nation. Those electoral votes almost always go to the Democrat. California's secession would make it much harder for a Democrat to gain the presidency. Interestingly, it is probably in the interest of the GOP to let California secede. Even more interesting, Texas could split into five separate states, jump from two senators to ten, and increase their total combined electoral votes by 8. Not only could that change the balance of power in the senate, but could affect the presidency in future elections. That's a topic for another post, though. Dan (edited to fix a couple of spelling errors)