What would happen if one heated his or her muffin in a microwave for, oh, a half-hour? Would it burst into flame? Into song?
Would the Margarita Muffin's Flambé become a huge musical success and play on Broadway for weeks and weeks?
Didn't they already play Broadway in Andrew Lloyd Webbers' Jesus Christ Whatamuffin! ? Didn't the Margarita Muffins Flambé recently open for the Red Hot Chili Peppers?
Isn't the Flaming Lips one of my favorite groups? And isn't one of their songs "Do You Realize?" (a question)-- How pleasantly ironic is that?
Like your toes? Wouldn't they turn blue? Do you ever get so cold that the INSIDE of your nose freezes and it gets all crisp and crunchy inside? Why is it that we had the warmest December in modern history yet my gas bill was almost twice what it was in November? Doesn't that just seem so wrong?
Do you think the utilities and energy companies just make up arbitrary numbers and charge accordingly? Maybe they have a dartboard?
Would you all be surprised to hear we've had near freezing temps in Southern California this weekend?