Lately, after rebuilding my battery pack, watching the MPG readout on my display has become an obsession. It's go to be 48 or better, which is hard for my Prius C. It's gotten to the point where I even select my route and speed to hit that damn number. Coasting down hills is now mandatory as well as keeping my speed under 60. Climbing hills slowly. It's gotten to the point where I sure hope I don't get out of my car and start pushing it to cross over from 47.9! Or ask my carpooler to leave the car. In all seriousness, it's all good fun. 20 years ago I was always checking my turbo boost or fuel pressure guage. Sure came a long way.
Good job! Just ensure that any alternative routes taken for the sake of getting that higher mileage reading does not actually consume more fuel than your usual route. A slightly longer route must often have a noticeably and consistently better mileage reading over your usual route to justify taking it.
If there's a couple of routes, with one going up-and-over a steep hill, and another that skirts 'round it, the latter "may" consume less, unless it's much longer. Also, easier on the engine avoiding a hill climb, and easier on the hybrid battery as well, avoiding a long descent.