So this happened a few hours ago. While driving, these lights came on on the dashboard Ignore the seatbelt light... I was stopped and parked at the time the pic was taken lol. When those lights came on, I noted that when I pressed on the brake pedal, there was ZERO response until I dipped lower here the friction brakes would kick in. The CHG bar was also not increasing when I touched the pedal. I have no check engine light on, so my head unit won't scan for anything... I can also hear the brake boost doing some very short pulses. I have a video with it doing that but I can't seem to upload it here. Any suggestions :-(
Suggestion to count errors to determine the reasons for failure. Best with a scanner specifically designed for this purpose.
I have an OBD-II wifi scanner at home. Was planning to check on it later to see if I get anything. Sigh Still love this car though