AAA Took the PRIUS to Exclusive Hybrid [google them] 50 miles away from me- They found my problem Prius will be ready on Tuesday --Exclusive Hybrid -They know what they are doing, when it comes to the PRIUS I need a Brake Actuator NOW [not soon] & 2 front calipers- The breaks were dragging, that is why I was losing MPG It will be an EXPENSIVE REPAIR. But it's a lot cheaper to Fix It... Than to buy a New Car
I thought we had been through all this before with you and your car maybe not those are pretty easy things to determine even without a good scanner calipers and break actuator.
Why do you keep creating new threads instead of continuing in your last thread?
How was it determined that you need a new brake actuator? Are there trouble codes that you have not already posted in your many other threads?
Same reason lots of people do: it's way easier than (successfully) finding an earlier thread. Lighten up Francis?
Exclusive Hybrid diagnosed it with their shop Code Reader. They also told me that my Hybrid Battery is still in decent shape for it being 17 years old.