Have checked: Hybrid Assistant: OBD Hybrid battery diagnostic and repair tool for Toyota and Lexus But when google some obd what is on the list, some users on redit write about some models dont work that should. Can someone here confirm u have someone of them what works? Iam in for buying: Amazon.se Have alot of comments and not so mutch bad rew, like 5% , some of the others on the list have more bad and some is very expensive like obdlink. Want something that could erase errorcodes and that goes deeper on the plug in hybrid systems and can show codes and errrors about that to.
The two apps that you listed are not the best for error codes. If you are interested in accessing error codes, read this thread: https://priuschat.com/index.php?posts/3290690 The Autel AP200 is a very good choice. It can not be used for the two apps you mentioned. You would need a different OBD dongle for those apps.
If you want to use Dr. Prius in particular, the developer lists compatible and incompatible OBD2 devices at Dr. Prius App
For Hybrid Assistant, the two best ones are OBDLink LX and vLinker MC+. They are fast enough to push over 10 samples per second, which makes the display fluid. The vLinker one is about 1/2 to 2/3 the cost of the OBDLink with no draw back that I could see. I have both, the vLinker in my Prius and OBDLink in my Model 3. Before buying the vLinker, I bought the Veepeak OBDCheck and Carista OBD2 adapters. The Veepeak can't grab all the data the Hybrid Assistant can display and is way too slow, less than one sample per second. The Carista one is able to display all the data but like the Veepeak, it's way too slow. I returned both. For Dr. Prius, both vLinker and OBDlink works very well. If you want to use the Carista app to update some settings, I didn't try the OBDLink for that but the vLinker works. That's what I use to reprogram the TPMS sensors when swapping my winter/summer wheels. So, to me, the best one for the cost is the vLinker MC+.