P0137 keeps coming on. -checked for exhaust leaks and found none. -replaced downstream o2 sensor. -cleaned all fuel injectors and sprays nicely. -lastly, i thought it was wiring issue, so i bought whole wiring harness from ebay and replaced the entire wiring harness. But p0137 still comes on after a day of driving. Can anyone help?
That's a low voltage in the oxygen sensor circuit Why in the world would you change a whole wiring harness for that seems kind of odd when you could just trace down the wiring that goes to the O2 sensor what's it four wires heating sensing etc usually it's the heater that messes up in the O2 sensor which I think causes similar to a wiring issue because the heater is resistive And when it fails voltage stops or something along those lines and it's seen as a wiring or voltage problem so maybe you need to revisit that a little bit did you replace the oxygen sensor by chance?
Hello, someone suggested that it could be the wires, so i just decided to replace the whole wiring system. I went ahead and replaced the downstream o2 sensor with toyota denso sensor. The car's heater works fine and blows nice and hot. How do i check for heater issue?
The oxygen sensor has four wires connected to it. Two are for sensing oxygen, and two are to power an electric heater that is built into the sensor to keep it at the right temperature for sensing oxygen. The two places you get the most useful information for troubleshooting a problem with it are in the repair manual (in the troubleshooting section for P0137) and in the wiring diagram where it shows the connections to the sensor and which wires are which. Toyota Service Information and Where To Find It | PriusChat
If i replaced the o2 sensor with a brand new oem sensor, would it still be the issue with the heater in the o2 sensor? I am really lost here.
No by right it shouldn't be but maybe you have a faulty out of the box O2 sensor or a fake or something I have no idea We can't see from here but some things obviously going on because you still have the code with your replaced sensor right ??
The sensor's heater is built into the sensor, but the wires that bring the power to it are not. When the ECM gives you a trouble code about the sensor heater, it doesn't know where the cause of the trouble is. The ECM is stuck in a box bolted down under the hood, not like it can poke around and investigate. The human has to do that part.
I want to say thanks to everyone for their help. The o2 sensor was purchased from a toyota dealership parts department, but yes, i am still getting code p0137. I noticed the wires to the o2 sensor were damaged, so i tried to repair them, but i still got the code. After several attempts of fixing the wires and p0137 keep coming back, i decided to order the entire wiring harness and just replace them, but the code still comes on. Do i have to get the ecm reseted? I also read that it could be a bad catalytic converter that can cause p0137, but i dont think my cats are bad.
No I wouldn't think it would be your cats. This is where the repair manual steps are very good things to have because it will have you doing tests and weeding out things and eliminating others until you get to the end and it's either this or that that can be very helpful when troubleshooting this kind of nonsense but generally the code is telling you there's trouble in the heater circuit the two wires for the heater circuit on the O2 sensor can be checked with an ohm meter their resistance needs to be whatever's in the manual If it's not that is suspect directly ECMs in these later 2010 and up cars can and do go bad but I like to try and eliminate everything else before we start replacing computer boxes generally speaking
How much did you spend to buy that entire wire harness and how much time did you spend replacing it? That sounds like quite an investment.
$150 and it took me an hour to replace... not too bad. I need to pass the emissions smh. Maybe the next step is to take it to toyota and have the ecm checked.
If all the connectors are plugged up properly and there's no bent pins where it plugs into the computer and what have you then you may be on to something I would have to take my own meter and check the circuit on the O2 sensor I think it's the two black wires You should get a reading there I don't know what it should be but it should be something you should look it up and see if you have that computers being fried or pretty rare actually I guess this is one circuit that could possibly do it but I would think there would be something else that would get messed up before the computer itself but maybe not but I would certainly be checking my replaced O2 sensor and maybe check the one I took out if I still had it against whatever the known specification range is you might be surprised