fix you a head gasket

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by georgefrank, Jan 9, 2025 at 4:00 PM.

  1. georgefrank

    georgefrank Junior Member

    Feb 26, 2023
    2011 Prius
    3rd gen Prius

    Check engine light saying piston 3 misfire

    Whenever it is cold, it will jerk the engine bay with the misfire, it sporadically comes on and off

    has been driven with this issue for 20k miles

    Will eat about a quart of oil per month

    you open the injector to clean it, and you see oil in that chamber

    Is this 100% a blown head gasket?

    Suspicion: head gasket is blown and oil is leaking into that chamber

    242k mile, has overheated once and completely shut off due to failed water pump at about 170k miles

    the part you are fixing to order:

    Image 1-9-25 at 10.47 AM.jpg

    Part number: 11115-37062

    This part number only include the head gasket

    There is another kit for about $200 that has many extras,

    Should you get just head gasket for $58 or get the whole kit for $200?

    The job is scheduled for the next 1-3 weeks depending on timing since you are using the car daily

    go now look for the part number for that kit and see which way your fixing to go

    OEM Toyota 2010 - 2015 Prius Cylinder Head Gasket Set 04112-37254 Genuine NEW | eBay

    kit from Japan 210 dollar

    part number: 04112-37254

    get just the gasket or the whole kit?

    The only part of the install you are concerned while watching YouTube clip:

    you have to take off the camshaft/timing chain/tensioner to do this task

    You saw how they mark their timing at 2 o clock, but you'll be documenting it for this thread once you do the task in couple week

    Goal: get all the detail figure out, then do the surgery in one shot so the car is not down for too long

    update: it could not be the head gasket

    Read some of this forum and mendel signature, also watched this video:

    in this video, they talk about symptoms exactly I am having

    They talk about EGR valve and PCV port problems, they get clogged and oil somehow get into the intake

    I still do not understand the point of EGR valve and th PCV valve, read up on them and comprehend them

    the issues that indicate it is not head gasket:

    When you go full throttle, no shaking/misfire, but

    when you drive flow of traffic, there is shaking

    In the video, he discuss this being a symptom of bad egr/pcv valves

    Why does it have the EGR valve? In the video, he puts a spatula blocking the whole system, and the car works fine

    New plan: first clean the EGR valve and the pcv valves, then see if that help

    Can we go without these systems? What is the point of them?

    Try to research these two questions in the meantime while data is coming in

    update: now you understand why our engine is eating its oil, unbelievable

    in this clip, you get your exact answer as to how the prius engine can eat its own oil if EGR valve clogged

    if throttle is at 0, and your egr valve is clogged, now the engine is starving for air

    the vacuum will pull oil from the PCV valve from the bottom of engine into the intake manifold


    yes, now that new data come in, adjust your plan:

    Clean you out that EGR system and that should solve your engine eating its oil
    #1 georgefrank, Jan 9, 2025 at 4:00 PM
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2025 at 8:05 PM
  2. BiomedO1

    BiomedO1 Senior Member

    Mar 27, 2021
    SacTown, Ca
    2021 Prius Prime
    The head gasket replacement may not take care of your intermittent misfire, if it's due to oil fouling your spark plugs. There's three ways oil gets into your combustion chamber: gummed up low tension piston rings, valve guide seal leaks, and scored piston walls. You need to figure that out first! You'll probably also will need to replace your CAT in the near future, due to the high oil consumption.
    IMHO, you should buy the head gasket rebuild kit, that should have new valve guide seals and other gaskets you'll need to do the job properly. The really good ones has new stretch bolts replacement.

    Hope this helps.....
    georgefrank likes this.