Someone just told me that I should try going through one of these programs. According to them I can get it under invoice. Has anyone had any experience buying cars through this prgrams? Thanks.
Yes, several of us have. But "under invoice", no way! Many of us used Costco when the Prius supply was very tight and demand stronger than now---that is, the last year-and-a-half. At that time, many dealers were excluding the Prius from consideration; other were giving only token discounts---$200-500. When I ordered my Prius the dealer quoted a Costco discount of $750. When it came, the dealership had lowered it to $500. Upset, I refused the car. But Costco can't/doesn't control such things. If you're a member, you can register your intent with Costco online. They'll have a salescritter (or Manager) get in touch with you, usually within two days. Then you simply order and wait. But I would suggest this: Now that supply and demand are more in balance, many dealers are discounting the Prius, some over $1K. After you find out who the Costco-participating Toyota dealer in your area is, I'd go there right away and ask what's the best deal you can get on a car equipped the way you want it. But then I'd tell them "I'll think about it and shop around." THEN, after a salesperson from that same dealership contacts you as per Costco, I'd use the (discounted) price they quoted you and try to get the Costco discount IN ADDITION to what you were quoted. If you want further info (beyond what others may chime in with here), you can PM me.
Thank you! I will keep shopping around. I am still doing research and checking the newspaper for the best price hopefully I can get a good deal. I will keep posting until I get my new car!!!!!
Check out and don't be afraid to get quotes from dealers farther away. Good luck.