I have been talking to the dealer for a whole year about the fact that sometimes the driver door will lock itself and will not unlock, either with RFID or pushing the unlock button on the fob. It happens at random, whether I leave the car running or when it's parked. My workaround is to open the passenger door and push the armrest unlock button. The dealer has said that they can do nothing unless they can see the fault, and it never happens for them, only to me. Is this problem unique to my car or not?
It seems strange that the fob won't unlock the door but your passage door unlock button will work. If your not using your other key fob, you should swap and see if you get the same behavior with that one. I would've guessed that you had a gremlin in the drivers door control panel - but that wouldn't affect the fob unlock. That's an interesting problem that'll have to wait until it becomes a chronic issue - so they can nail it down. Just make sure it written down and documented, so if you roll past your 3 year warranty - it'll still be covered (due to the history).
I've got a whole year of experience with this behind me. New batteries in either key fob makes no difference. My guess is that the antenna in the door is faulty.
My gut wonders if there's either a faulty connection(less likely) or bad switch/module(more likely) that is falsely reporting a lock via the mechanical key. If you use the mechanical key to lock the driver's door, it will no longer respond to the keyfob or door handle sensor unless the mechanical key is used to also unlock the door. That sounds very similar to the original complaint. To test, I would wait for the next occurrence of the problem, then try using the mechanical key to unlock the door and see if it behaves normally to the keyfob after that(locks/unlocks as usual). If it does, that might suggest the lock actuator assembly is faulty. It's not like Toyota has never had problems with those before. /s