Just recently, my car has started charging at lower current rates than it was before. I have a level 2 charger good for 40 amps. When i plug the vehicle in now, it seems to only accept the lower charge rate. If i stop and restart charging from the app for my charger, everything works as expected and I go to the high charge rate. Any ideas? Seems like the car is initially negotiating the low current rate unless i restart a charge with it already plugged in.
It's and emporia charger. They turned on diagnostics remotely and were able to determine that the car was requesting the lower rate. But if I stop and restart charging, it goes to the high rate.
That's a new one. My first guess is a communication issue. My second guess is that the car is trying to send you a subtle message, so subtle that most would ignore it or blame it on something else. A couple questions if you already know the answers. What is the slower charge rate? What is the regular / normal charge rate? What options does your EVSE app have besides it's restart function? Do you know how to change the Primes charged rate between it's Max and 8 amp settings? If yes, is the setting on Max or 8 amps? I know that's a lot of questions to look into, but the more of them you can answer the better our guesses will be as to what's going on recently with your charging issue.
Thanks for responding Data is from my charge app. Which is emporia What is the slower charge rate? - About 1.5kwh What is the regular / normal charge rate? About 3.5 kwh What options does your EVSE app have besides it's restart function? it has things like maximize solar and connect to utility to optimize cost, and a scheduler but i don't use any of those.... and i initiated a ticket with those guys.. and their diags said the car was asking for the slow charge rate It looks like you could set this on 2017 - but i don't see that option on my 2018
OK, the 1.5 kwh is what the Prime charges at when using Level 1 120 volt + OEM EVSE cable and the "charge settings" are set at 8 Amps and 3.5 kwh is what the Prime charges at on Level 1 EVSE when the setting is Max. That setting is in with the Oil Change Maintenance Reminder Reset and also the Charge Scheduler options. The option is not under the "car settings" cluster of screen options, take my word, there are a mind melting number of option and data screens in the Prime, fear not it's in there somewhere.
Mine has been doing something similar. Instead of charging at 3.6 kW on my level 2 Juicebox, it's been charging at about 2.75 kW. I figured it was probably some self-protection feature because of the cold weather. We'll see if it jumps back up in the Spring.
Your correct, it's the onboard traction battery ECU that determines how much current will be drawn from the charging cable. If the traction battery is too cold, it'll start with a smaller charge until the pack gets warm enough for a higher capacity charge.