All I wanted was a wheel bearing help

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion' started by SirDeadSquirrel, Jan 2, 2025.

  1. SirDeadSquirrel

    SirDeadSquirrel New Member

    Feb 19, 2024
    2007 Prius
    Front right wheel bearing went bad. So I thought nbd, throw a new one in. Went fine, getting it out of the knuckle sucked but everything is back together. I also pulled the wrong bolt whilst not looking and poured a couple ounces of brake fluid before replacing the bolt and bleeding the brake, still halfway between full and min on fluid. Now I've got 4 error codes and a transmission thing

    C1313 abs relay open circuit, C1311 abs relay 2 open circuit, C1253 hydro booster relay circuit, C1341 i forget but something to do with pressure in that front right caliper

    For the transmission thing, it goes in park fine. Put it in drive, and you get a mfd warning about the car being in neutral, batteries not charging, and to put it in park. It does drive, not sure how well/far/fast I drove a couple feet forward and reverse in the garage.

    I'm honestly not really sure where to start here, what happened? Something also sounds a bit angry, I thought it was a faulty replacement bearing or maybe some clearance issue with the brakes but the guys helping me said it sounded deeper in the Axle, like cv or something. Starting and stopping makes a bit of racket too. Pulled everything back apart and I don't see any issues, Axle is attached and straight, everything is a little sad and saggy in general but not wildly in need of replacing (it's a 2007 with 270k on it and 60 were this year) That little cup is in right, centered in the sensor hole. We did forget the dust shield but I'm not gonna buy another wheel bearing (I promise it will not come out without destroying it, the inside of that knuckle was full of something and after cleaning as best I could I used the bolts to basically press it into the knuckle) unless it's something to do with wheel sensors and magnets I guess. What do I need to do to get this thing back on the road? I want to go home :(
  2. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    You got any pictures of that business all of that stuff basically drops together usually most people take that big aluminum hub off the car and straddle it over two 4x4s or some dimensional lumber and one hit with the hammer if the bolts are out The wheel bearing plops out and sits between the two pieces of wood that you have the hub resting on even in rusty Massachusetts but I guess whatever usually in a non-rust belt area what you see is some oxidation of the aluminum against the steel outer portion of the wheel bearing that drops into the aluminum hole this is like a white dried residue usually you can just take a piece of crocus cloth commonly called sandpaper for metal and just run that around the oxidation in the bore where the bearing drops in. Don't even really need any lubrication but be that as it may You've got it all pulled in and all back together sounds like you're going to need to do a brake bleed because inadvertently you were able to undo some bolt that makes no sense to be undoing for this job but made plenty of sense at the time this happens pretty regularly when I guess folks don't work on things or maybe might not ought to be working on things I don't know can't see from here so now you're going to need the probably round up a scanner that's capable of doing brake bleeding a cheap one that you could get really quick would be the AP200 it does work I do use it I also have the Toyota software but this keeps me from having to drag that laptop out to vehicles which is very helpful If not you can try bleeding it like you did all your other cars if you did that sort of thing well before the Prius If not you'll need somebody that knows how to bleed brakes the old style way and try that first but more than likely you're going to need the scanner to operate the valves and what have you because well you let the brake fluid go it's not what's supposed to happen here but you'll get it directly not too much to it If you never cracked the brake bleed or cracked the sealed brake system you would not have any of these problems more than likely I change wheel bearings on the same model pretty regularly not the same car all the time Gen 2 Prius and never have to touch the brakes so you shouldn't be having to either but that ship is sailed
  3. SirDeadSquirrel

    SirDeadSquirrel New Member

    Feb 19, 2024
    2007 Prius
    Yeah it was white and crusty, came off pretty well with a wheel on a drill. I was talking to someone and not looking, the bolt is like an inch above the bottom caliper bolt and the same size. Got the brakes bled something still a bit off there, but I still have the transmission error. Will those abs codes clear themselves or do I need to do that? Mine will read them but doesn't seem to clear them
  4. SirDeadSquirrel

    SirDeadSquirrel New Member

    Feb 19, 2024
    2007 Prius
    Also not sure where you're at but clearly not the rust belt, one hit with a hammer ain't getting nothing out round here
  5. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    All I'm using a 5 lb mall or two and a half pound a little more than just a hammer but I got you and just says you're a man in the USA so nobody knows around here what that means but I've lived in Western Massachusetts which is pretty much the rust belt as it gets not fun that's for sure but then you're not keeping cars there long the strut towers rushed out in 3 years and your flintstoning the vehicle literally
  6. dolj

    dolj Senior Member

    May 14, 2012
    Wellington, New Zealand
    2007 Prius
    Your scanner is clearing the codes but they come right back as the problem still exists.
    Brian1954 likes this.
  7. SirDeadSquirrel

    SirDeadSquirrel New Member

    Feb 19, 2024
    2007 Prius
    I don't see a clear button, and after bleeding them myself I can say for certain that unless that scantool is absolutely required, there is no air in that caliper and the brake fluid is full
  8. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    That's right there's no way in that caliper That's that's that's probably correct but I don't know what's happened further up the line did any air get up anywhere else apparently so because you have these codes or you have a faulty brake booster that's I don't remember so far down in the story whether you have a brand new brake booster installed or one from another car any of that. If you're using the Toyota software you should have been able to run the bleed menu and go through the part where you step on the pedal 30 times and 30 seconds to activate the valves in the break actuator that clears any air there. But that's usually not what your codes are about not air everything but and yes if you're not clearing your codes then they're not clearing if you're going to wait for them to go away just driving the car and I don't know how many drive cycles or what if that'll happen at all usually you clear the codes and if they come straight back that means the problem is directly existing or something similar this is when the factory manual comes in handy with some of these codes.