First..... I DO NOT agree with all of S2's conclusions, and I'm trying to separate this event from usual political side-hustles so that 'norms' may be included in the discussion. HOWEVER (comma!!!) It is important to remember that the professional intel community are 'professional' for a reason..... Phrase that pays: Complex terror attack. This is a well-known (outside the US) thing where you initiate a terror event.....pause a beat while people swarm the scene....and then initiate a 'crowd-pleaser.' These are 'fundamentals' in terror attacks, sadly being practiced a little closer to home, maybe. This may have failed recently in New Orleans - but MAYBE.........not for the lack of trying. Semper vigilo
Yep. It's a real sun-downer for those folks. Ballsy move going ahead with the Sugar and 'super' Bowls. I'm digging it - but will be offering up prayers for 2 successful events!!!! NOLA needs the money. They also probably need a change in management. They do Fat Tuesday there every year, and the Quarter is just about 'Times Square on 1 January festive' every time the Saints win at home - which is fortunately not that often. In the Big Apple they park dump-trucks filled with sand in strategic places to prevent VBIEDs and similar terror events during high profile events. I'm told that NOLA used these Gucci pop-up bollards that were down for maintenance....... .....ON New Year's Day! Management: Fail.
I've been in the belly of the beast a time or two as well. Big Bell has a small office in the Veux Carre that I have not seen in person and a much larger (12 story) office that I have been inside just once. It has fairly robust security. I was a foreign exchange tech in LA north of the lake for a period of time a few years ago and I give thanks daily, and without fail, to a kind and loving GOD that I cannot be force-relocated in my job.
Prepping for the Super Bowl is the explanation I heard for why there were fewer barriers than proved to be needed.Thank goodness the Sugar bowl seems to have passed safely. Not that it was a thing of beauty. (And this from a ND grad.)