link Name a Quasi-moon Contest | Radiolab | WNYC Studios This is free. Voting gives your name and email address to WNYC a Public Radio station, which some may choose not to do. As you will. I am in process of, but the captcha has not appeared yet ... edit: no captcha after some retries. I may be geofenced out! If anyone gets through please let us know.
Captcha does work for this. I did not vote because once upon a time I made the horrible mistake of actually donating to state funded media. No. I didn't donate enough to get a tote bag. I thought I was going to have to go into the witness protection programme to keep from getting 10-15 letters a month beseeching me to continue my support. If they find me again, I will have to buy another roll of 'return to sender' stickers. SO....I told them that, yes. I AM A ROBOT, and while they continue the disgustingly human practice of denying the rights of artificial lifeforms, I will continue to be disenfranchised in their blatant attempt to add HUMAN names to their mailing lists.
The regular moon is called moon, so why is it left out? Maybe it has a name, and the internet knows it, but I won’t be looking it up. Probably different tribes called it different things over the course of humanity.
I can just picture our first discussion with aliens: "So what do you call your planet?" "Dirt" "Huh, same here..."
No I can't make captcha appear. One of y'all might vote for Tecciztecatl in my absence. Names for the bigger one: How to Say Moon in 70 Different Languages - LexiGlobe
Now people don’t like public radio stations. What next. I donate monthly to PBS, which gets most of their funding from people. Motorweek is still on.
Some people don't and some people do. 97% funded-by-donations Corporation for Public Broadcasting is not sufficiently 'right' to please the don'ts. I did not intend this as referendum on that issue. There is a Moonlet to be named!
Windmills must be tilted. HOW much money does a SCOTUS Justice have to receive to be influenced??? 3% ? 1% ? Besides, what really differentiates a 'moon' from a 'moonlet' and WHY the diminutive? If a 'moonlet' is considered by WE VERY HAUGHTY humans to be 'a very small moon' usually referring to objects within a planet's ring system that are 'too small to be classified as a full moon' then WHO ARE WE to differentiate between them?
Also very short-term moonlet? Is this the object that’s shortly heading back to asteroid belt, or here to stay?
To remain in Earth orbit for 600 years according to current figuring. The other one already came and went: Earth Bids Goodbye to Its 'Mini-Moon' as Astronomers Investigate Where Our Planet's Asteroid Companion Came From | Smithsonian
600 years? And $cience calls that a for-real MOONlet????? Heck. The Rooskies managed to keep Sputnik in orbit for three months!!! My beloved Navy's Vanguard 1 has been in orbit since the 50's and will stay that way well past my country's quincentenary! meh.
Moonlet for size, about 150 meters across. Quasi-moon for its weird orbit that merits a look: Earth has 7 strange quasi-moons — and you could name one of them | Space