Hey all my invertor recently took a crap and is throwing code P0A94. Heard the dealer might cover the invertor if it throws this code. How likely is the dealer to dodge it? Car symptoms are it doesn't do over 25 or 35 mph without sounding like it's in neutral while still accumulating speed. Red triangle etc. Not throwing any other codes.
Do not clear the code. Call your local dealership, make an appointment, and tell the. the code you have and that the inverter is covered by a 20-year extended warranty.
That's wonderful as long as you don't have to do anything to get it to the dealer and all that stuff I change the whole inverter when that happens not just the IPM there's thousands of these things out here that have already been done thousands of these cars have been taken off the road junk yards can't give away these inverters practically they just sit there with the campaign stickers on them and everything it'd be more trouble for me personally to take my car to the dealer to get that done then it will be the sling an inverter on it in about 45 minutes right out here in the parking lot I probably have three but that's good I do know that the campaign covers it for a good minute I know some people they tried to tell that that wouldn't happen but that's good for me though that takes a whole day they got to keep my car a day maybe two on and on and I can just swap it out while I'm sitting here drinking sunny d.