Thank you TOYOTA Distribution ! Good news for Prius customers waiting, long,long agonising wait. I have just received "September 04" _for_ Northern California Toyota dealers, The PRIUS allocation number. _864_ Units due to arrive in September ... 216 #3 BI package(GY, driver & passenger-Side&curtain air bags & KE smart entry system) 302 #4 AM " (GY,KE,VD= vehicle stability control,LF= fog lamp QI= high intensity discharge head lights. 346 #7 BC " (GY,KE,PN= immobilizer & security horn. NV=navigation EJ=premium 3-in one changer with JBL 9 speakers.VD,LF,QI. Probably these big numbers coming in will ease the pain and agony for those waiting, and waiting. Indeed a really good news. ****************** MODERATOR NOTE FOLLOWS******************* advertising text deleted Posting of information, as above, and contributions to the Prius community are welcome on PriusChat, but blatant advertising and offering of sales is not, unless you contact Danny to become a site sponsor and that is then restricted to the Commercial Sales forum. Again, we welcome you to participate in this community on an active basis, but, until you become a sponsor, refrain from advertising.
Great news I'm sure that is welcome news for my southern neighbours. I am a little curious though... those would be 2004 models wouldn't they? I find the model numbers a bit confusing. Since there seems to be no change between the 04 and 05 Prius models it doesn't really make any difference I suppose. The local dealer up here made a big thing about waiting until the 2005's hit the assembly line first of September.
Looks a bit fishy or maybe just sloppy. BC is #9 in 2004, #6 in 2005. Would certainly make me a bit wary of the dealer if they can't even get the details right.
Hey Bruce, see it by yourself, nothing fishy and I'm very accurate on this UPDATED: 8/2/2004 16:17 2005 PRIUS \ SUFFIX ANALYSIS 2005 September MODEL ORDER 1224 25% FE BI 216 30% 35% FE AM 302 30% 40% FE BC 346 40% TOTAL 100% 864 EXTERIOR & INTERIOR COLORS EXT CODE INTERIOR INT CODE 040 Super White 08,18 08 Brown/ Ivory 1C0 Millenium Silver 18 18 Burgundy/ Dk. Grey 202 Black 08,18 3Q3 Salsa Red Pearl 08 4S2 Driftwood Pearl 08 6S9 Tideland Pearl 08 8S2 Seaside Pearl 08 ACCESSORY CODES RW (REAR WIPER) IS NOW STANDARD FE - 50 State Emissions BI (Package #3) - SULEV (TMC STD) (GY) Driver & Passenger- side and curtain AM (Package #4) - (KE) Smart Entry & Start (GY) Driver & Passenger- side and curtain BJ (Package #6) - Painted Door Handle w/ Antenna (GY) Driver & Passenger- side and curtain (KE) Keyless Entry with Smart Entry Painted Door Handle w/ Antenna (VD) Vehicle Skid Control (KE) Keyless Entry with Smart Entry (LF) Front Foglamps (PN) Immobilizer and Security Horn (QI) HID Headlamps Garage Door Opener BC (Package #7) - (NV) Navigation System (GY) Driver & Passenger- side and curtain (EJ) Premium 3 in 1 Chgr- JBL 9 -spkr Painted Door Handle w/ Antenna (KE) Keyless Entry with Smart Entry (PN) Immobilizer and Security Horn Garage Door Opener (NV) Navigation System (EJ) Premium 3 in 1 Chgr- JBL 9 -spkr (VD) Vehicle Skid Control (LF) Front Foglamps (QI) HID Headlamps *Edited for legibility only by moderator
every where else its package # 9 and its not a question of what i like or dont like. its just a label and because of its insignificance in the world, it doesnt really matter to me what you call it especially when the package is described in detail. you may call it anything you like. but i think you should be aware that you would be in a relatively small group of people.
I don't call it, Toyota calls it, why can't you understand. ? I have posted it clearly the way Toyota labels it. Why don't you like it. I'm in small group and happy about it. No need to reply anymore. The audience will understand.
According to Dianne's original post 2005 National package contents, BC is #6. The #6 BJ you show is not on her list so there is some discrepancy among dealers. Your #6 looks most like a BC without NAV and with a 3 CD rather than 6 CD changer. The site still has 2004 info so there is no way I know of for us lay folk to see for ourselves.
The descriptions of the BI and AM packages seem to have omissions: BI should also include smart entry/start. AM should also include HID headlamps, fog lights, and VSC. So, roughly half of what C. RICKEY HIROSE posted was incorrect.
Agree with LewLasher, Dianne as PC's Empress of Prius is and has been our most reliable source of dealer info!
True, the info Dianne posted would make Mr. Hirose's #4 AM equivalent to her #3 BI True again. So what we have here is a failure to communicate We have a lot of good information, we just don't know which parts are good ;-)
Very true, package content and labeling are different from "Region" to "Region" each Toyota district or "Region" can order their PRII the way each sales "Zone" will want. NOR-CAL has its own PRII ordering and package label & content may vary to the rest of District_Region_or_State_ So labeling & its content is, Not, uniform. SO_CAL have them one way, NOR_CAL the other & the rest of USA may have altogether a different package. We, in NOR-CAL have 4 packages. However, only 3 are availalble as normal allocation. The #3, #4, & #7 the #6 as special order, meaning long,long wait.... If ever. There are difference in packages, & Label, & ts content. good news is: MORE 2005 PRII on the way !
OK, now that is WAY STUPID! ;-) Sounds like you better be REALLY careful to specify WHICH features you want if ordering from another region because your AM package may not be my AM package! OK everyone NEW new naming convention for PC - year/package/number AND region purchased from
That does, indeed, seem pretty stupid, if true that even the letter code numbering is different from Region to Region. How the hell would they even be able to keep track at the dock when the cars arrive on a ship?? This is a NorCal AM, this is a SE region AM, this is a BFE AM???!!! I wouldn't get too upset about anything just yet. I suspect in the next 2 weeks all will become VERY clear. I think an AM package for NorCal '05 will be the same as a SE Region AM '04, likewise for BC and all the rest. I just can't believe they'd make the system even MORE confusing than it already is....let's all pray on that anyway!
I read thru his gibberish. I stand by what I posted, for veracity and package content. The package content I posted is national, not regional. Some regions will order different packages in a different ratio, but SoCal will get, right out of the gate for the 2005's, only GY, BI, and BC and their content was clear in my original post.