I am sure that readers know TSA rules, but here's one who did not: TSA officers at LAX discover surprising number of prohibited items in traveler’s carry-on | Transportation Security Administration Do open the image link showing contents of 'as-if' carry on: 82 firecrackers not tiny ones. Dang. Large pepper spray or tear gas device. Also needed in flight? Two (unconvincing) replica guns. Nobody gon na 'take over' a flight with that sh*t. Three too-long knives. In-flight snacks need cutting. Tailoring scissors, if some too-long thread needs cutting. Personal favorite - many fragments of dry leaves. Hmmmm ... As you fly, with TSA on the job, your seat mates will not be packing like this.
hopefully, the aclu will come to the defense of this poor put upon traveler. i wonder if they gave her a drug test
Make better humor, such that others say they find it. Humblebrag: rarely, in reviewing manuscripts, I say something 'eluded' them. It's harsh.