... interesting, one day after the election, IDF ponies up for 25 brand spanking new F15Es: Israel buys 25 fighter jets ahead of expected strikes on Iran * WorldNetDaily * by David Brummer F15Es can be modified, to deliver a GBU-57A/B - Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
they probably figure, get 'em before they're gone btw, did you realize mops is spom spelled backwards?
student parents on a mission? self-paced online modules? self-powering oxygen machine? simulated physiological oocyte maturation? it's also omps spelled inside out.
A brand-spanking new, 50 year old aircraft? I thought that they've been working on that deal since August....and really.....the IDF has been rolling F15's since the 1970's, haven't they? I guess that's why they call it "fake news." The 15-Echo (family sedan) model is "newer" by a decade, but they were testing them out back when Regan was considered to be an elderly President - and IIRC they made their combat debut in Gulf-1. Don't get me wrong! I like the EX models. It's a fine bomb/missile truck...and it can fight its way back to the barn after doing the air-to-mud thing......maybe. IF there are no G5 aircraft to bother them. They're about as stealthy as a NASCAR race. Boeing's been getting a bunch of that "Ford Pinto" stank on them lately. The IDF had better do those post delivery inspections pretty carefully!!!!!
... cat's out of the bag: Watch: Overnight Israeli Strike In Syria So Large It Caused Earthquake | ZeroHedge Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
They ordered planes, and it means something to keep the base making up stuff. Because they are going to need a lot of believing make believe in the next short period of attempted, but again failed, authoritarian rule. Sorry Charley, founders had a king, that’s why they devised this here USA to never have one.
"That's because nobody checks the 'fact checkers.'" Weeeellll ... Fake news and fact-checking: 2019 research you should know about Who checks the fact-checkers? Penn State researchers - Poynter “Fact-checking” fact checkers: A data-driven approach | HKS Misinformation Review
U-Penn..... ....."A study found high agreement on like claims for PolitiFact and Snopes." Ya think? (Groupthink?)
I would draw this "evidence we believe" -> "evidence we accept" and "our beliefs" -> "our worldview" Because for me, beliefs do not rely on evidence. But the 'like' is because you wrote "who might have..." I have long fought for 'who' as pronoun for people, and 'that' pronoun applies to all else. I seem not to have completely lost the fight.
... fresh batch of Mk 84s, in transit: Trump Lifts Biden's Pause On 2,000-Pound Bomb Shipments To Israel | ZeroHedge Destination, Iran? Via Israel? Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile -