I am a newbie to this forum and to Prius in general. Am getting a C1235 (object stuck to RF sensor), actually found a piece of metal stuck to the sensor, removed it reset the code and the code comes back but only after going 70 mph, up until that speed everything is fine. I will add that the ABS and VSC and Yellow brake indicator light come on but only stay on for a short period of time if you slow down to below 70. It appears that the previous owner had the right front ABS sensor replaced and the CV axle also appears to be new. After much searching I also replaced the rear ABS sensors (did whole new hubs with sensor already installed). Suggestions? Thanks Rancho
Welcome to PriusChat!! Try locating an OBD2 scanner that is compatible with your Prius and pull any thrown codes again.
I have the ability to read and clear codes, and code C1235 has been thrown again. Also verified that the WSS value is the same for all 4 sensors. Rancho
I believe there is a wheel sensor calibration that needs to be done after replacing the speed sensors, as well as after some types of brake work.
My bad, turned that C into a P while hunting for DTCs Here is the work up for C1235 : https://share.qclt.com/%E4%B8%B0%E7%94%B0%E6%99%AE%E7%91%9E%E6%96%AF%E5%8E%9F%E5%8E%82%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E6%89%8B%E5%86%8Cpdf%E6%A0%BC%E5%BC%8F/Prius%20Service%20Manuals%202004/%E4%BF%AE%E7%90%86%E6%89%8B%E5%86%8C/04pruisr/05/21avn/cic12353.pdf
Hmmm. No mention of any calibration required in that work up. Be interested to know what the waveforms look like.
Link removed cause I am a newbie and can post one yet... Interesting wish I still had an oscilloscope, do you know if Techstream has the ability to check the wave form. The speed on each sensor appears to be the same so if the right front was seeing issues with the waveform, it is not bad enough to become an issue until 65-70 mph. I am probably going to get a used front sensor and try it to see if that resolves it or swap the right and left just to test. Thanks for the info Rancho
So I picked up a used sensor and removed the FR sensor (it did not have any metal stuck to it when I removed it) put the new/used sensor in and then cleared the code and went for a drive. Code and lights returned once hitting 66 MPH. Freeze frame data shows all 4 wheels at 66. Same code C1235, but once again there is no metal on the end of the sensor. A bit more searching on this forum found at least two instances where someone got the same lights, but different codes and was told to replace the skid control ECU. Thinking about two things, one to test the wiring to the SC EDU but appears to be just as much work as replacing it since the steering wheel trim and surrounding parts need to be removed to get to the SC EDU. Any other thoughts?? Rancho
Having the same issue after having bad hub assembly replaced. Above 60 lights pop on, regenerative brakes disable. Regenerative bakes occasionally switch to hydraulic at 15 mph. The lurch is annoying. It's been over 2 months of trying to figure it out. Replaced hub again, replaced sensor. Been to my mechanic like 5 times. Pretty much giving up at this point.