as ya'll know we have been kicking around ideas for first meeting. and as you all know, Bradca21 is moving up from So. Ca and will be here on or abouts the 10th. Well i was thinking that we could have our first meeting and help Brad un pack at the same time. now i realize that some of you may not be able to move much but im sure that all kinds of help will be needed, even the light duty kind. Plus this will be your golden opportunity to snoop through Brad's stuff!!... just kidding... forget that last part. now we only got a week and a half so let me know quickly if anyone wants to do this. realize that another more regular meeting will probably be happening at the Red Robin in a few weeks or so anyway, so if you cant make this one, its ok. you are still welcome to the other one.
just to recap what we sort of mentioned in the other thread, there will be TONS of parking, it's a really nice area in Everett right around the corner from Lake Stevens, any amount of help is appreciated and there would be food and drinks (alc & non) supplied as a thank you gift. We're expecting that it's all gonna be in a 26ft. u-haul (the biggest size THEY have) but a fair amount of it literally will just be going in the garage for future sorting. We got a small apartment when we moved here, previously had a 2 story house, so some of the stuff has been in storage for 3-5 years. Now that we have room to spread out again we're gonna furnish the condo with it and upgrade the furniture as we're able. Even if there isn't enough interest to make it an actual Prius MEET. anyone that would want to come by, help out, grab a beer and some food and hang out is more than welcome and it would be VERY appreciated. The condo is about 7-10 minutes from the I-5 and Highway 2 interchange that happens in downtown Everett. More info can and will be given but I want to wait and just be sure all the stuff closes and is DONE first Thanks to any/all that CAN, and any that can't (it is a weekday afterall) I'll see you soon when we meet in Bellevue! You guys ROCK!!
I might be able to help on the 10th (only) but only light stuff, coming off back surgery and lifting has been limited on pain of, well I don't know but I got the impression something dire would happen like the end of the universe, proton anti proton, neutron anti neutron annihilation or some such.
ok cool, but dont feel obligated to come. we are still having the meeting at the red robin in a few weeks. so you can still make that one. shouldnt have to lift anything much heavier than 12 oz there. however, moral support is always good.
I have two dollies that make moving a bit more gentle. I have learned a few things about moving College students into the dorm. You should try the fourth floor of Saint's Central at Carroll College at 7K feet having come sea level. I would recommend O2
So, what would you expect the driving time from Columbia, SC to be? Think I can make it back in time for the 5:30 EST SC/GA game? :mrgreen:
Calculating ..... No, I think you would be about 6 days late. But I'm sure Brad is grateful for your willingness to consider helping him
Danny probably would need a boat just to get out of South Carolina... :lol: psssssst.. LOOK OVER YOUR SHOULDER...I think there is another storm on its way... Bob, DRY in Denver Sorry Dave and Brad...toooooo far for us...but out thoughts are with the move
I was going to give Brad a hand on this side of the line on packing the truck. But it just so happens to be the day I start school. 8)
OK, ask Evan how he became an MD. Ask Rick how he became an RHCE. Ask me how I learned to fly a Cessna. Am I proving a point, Brad?
Ask me how I became a..... ahh, hell. I didn't learn a thing in a college course that I have actually used in my field. Sad, actually.
college rarely teaches you any real world knowledge needed to do your job. what it does is teaches you how to think on your feet, do research, how to manage your time and thoughts, etc. people with a degree only demostrate the ability to learn something in a field of study. a degree by no means signifies that you can do the work. employers look at degrees as people who are goal oriented, who started a goal, stuck with it, used some independent thinking (although this CAN BE bought instead of learned@!!@) to achieve the goal, given the limitations of information, time or resources. you will find that the real world is often the same way. they tell you what they want, give you minimal resources, and then expect you to figure out the best method for achieving the objective. i can attest to hours trying to learn calculus that i dont use. and whats worse... i cant even imagine a situation where most of it could be used.
I studied at a small liberal arts college. I firmly believe that a bachelors degree should not be useful for anything, but learning to learn, think, evaluate, think. It is not a vocational school. I use math, science every day. I appreciate political science, economics, poetry, art, music. Hillsdale College prepared me to succeed in graduate school and more in life, even if I am a disappointment to them because I am not right of Bill Buckley.
tHey teeched meh How 2 reed aNd rite in meh skool. :lolup: :rofl: Sorry, couldn't resist... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Dangit!! The 10th?! Why did it have to be that weekend?! I'm working overtime, and I can't get out of it that weekend... All other Sundays are still available (most likely after 5pm, but I may be able to squeek out for the whole day with some begging...). So sorry Brad!
I can't go up on the 10th I have to go to the insurance commissionaires office I have been notified that I am driving with out insurance. The nice person at Farmers was sorry but could do nothing to help me. I will be driving the beast tomorrow, Belle is parked for the duration. I feel like reaching down someone's throat and ripping their lungs out. Well may be not that but I am going to yell... a lot. I have been driving my car for two weeks without insurance!!! The anacephalic cretins.