I performed a tuneup today on my 2010 Prius; New Plugs; Coils; AirFilter; MAF sensor; Cleaned Throttle body....started and drove for 10 minutes ...presented a couple of codes.( my fault left sensor unplugged ) fixed and then tried to start car and it simply won't start. has been sitting for a week in the cold (Indianapolis) so I thought Maybe I need to jump it..did that and left on the jumping vehicle for about 10 minutes and nothing; interior lights and headlights are lighting and appear to be normal bright. I now have it on a trickle charger....... seeking advice........
What do you mean won't start does the car display the word ready if yes step on the gas Do you hear the engine start up I guess not Is the point? Or is the car not showing ready?
^ That. Does the car go into 'ready' mode or not? If not, then it may or may not be the Aux (12v) battery - depleted during service....in winter....in Indianapolis. How old is the Aux battery?
It "DOES NOT" go to ready mode. When Pressing on accelerator absolutely nothing happens....ONLY SHOWS THE WELCOME TO PRIUS display with the other display items....been sitting on the trickle charger over night ...no difference.
Discovered an emergency start procedure on here and I was able to start the car....was on charger 10amp overnight. Now the Yellow Triangle light and skid-traction light remain on after running. Also has previous Check hybrid error message (separate issue but wanted to mention)
Since there’s no way to get check engine codes to know where to begin troubleshooting then you’ll have to sell it as is.
If you have warning lights that are turned on, you need to use a Prius compatible scanner to read the trouble codes. Once you have the codes, you start troubleshooting per the procedure in the Toyota service manual.
What's the 12 battery voltage reading? Consider an electronic load test, or just replace? Also: What's the miles on it? Did anything in particular prompt you to do this? Did you hang onto the old parts?
Not many generic OBD2 scanner can read Prius. the. cheapest one is Veepeak with Carista App. trial version 7 days