I am getting ready to attempt to program a new SKS with techstream with an all keys lost scenario with help from this forum specifically this one Prius Lost All Keys SKS Smart Reset (Program Used Fob) | PriusChat however my car is currently locked so when i pop it open to do this of course the alarm will ring. Other than disconnecting the battery does anyone have any clue how would i be able to disable the alarm? WIll techstream have this option? Any insight would help.
Just unplug the horn for the alarm under hood passenger fender well area I believe. And who cares if alarm goes off??? 12V should be dead. . once open and in car open trunk undo 12 V about 20 min see if that clears alarm . Unplug alarm horn and that's that. Maybe remote locked in car.
+1 Nobody pays attention to car alarms, and the Prius has a fairly mild horn. That's why people in crime abundant areas will often buy aftermarket car alarms - which people ALSO tend to ignore. Your car alarm will shut back off after a preset time, almost always less than a few minutes.
I have Foam horns off a 90 Ford Taurus on a few of my cars they are quite loud and you know they're there It's a two-horn set they look like fake horns but they came on the 90 Taurus factory I think that's a Ford car