Hi have 2006 Prius and I noticed when I press the either buttons on the mfd it won’t beep any more, I have the screen without navigation Any help is appreciated Thanks
you'll probably need to replace it, unless you can find an electronic repair shop willing to tackle it
Google for: prius mfd repair services and it will list some companies which repair these devices. There are also some on Ebay for about the same price, but be careful if you go that route that the one you get is exactly the same type as the one you currently have.
But other than the beeping everything is working as it should I'm not sure that mine beeps when I push the buttons on it now I have to go out and look but I have every beep that I possibly can turned off in the car's menu I'm trying not to hear any beeps I don't think my MFD does any beeping but every button and every position on the MFD works every component in the car so far like it's supposed to I've got the vents hunting up and down in the air blower system but other than that everything's working perfectly but I'm sure I have no beeps
But the MFD fully functions other than a beep . Very special types have to have it maybe do not know.